Page 79 of Shoot Your Shot
Two weeks after Thanksgiving, theWinter Basketball League is in full swing, and we just won thesecond game. It was close, 54-51, but I played the whole time. I’mwinded and smelly, strands of hair that broke loose from myponytail stuck to my face and neck, but I feel good and strong andalive. The knee has been holding up well.
I look for one particular face inthe stands and feel disappointed when I don’t find it.
“Hey, there,” Chris whispers in myear.
“Jesus!” I bring my hand to mychest. “You’re sneaky!”
He grins. “Maybe a little. Youplayed a great game.”
“I'm so glad you came!” I want toleap into his arms, but stop myself.
“I’m glad you invited me,” hesays. Then his voice drops. “You know how much I enjoy watching youplay.”
I smirk and take a sip of water,looking everywhere but at him. His presence is making me feel toowarm, and I’m afraid I might be blushing.
“I’ve got someone I’d like you tomeet,” he says.
Behind him is a baldingmiddle-aged man with round cheeks and a broad smile. “Hi Roxie,” hesays as he waves.
“Roxie, this is Lyle, my boss,”Chris says. “Lyle, this is Roxie.”
“Good to meet you, Lyle!” I say asI offer him my hand, and he shakes it. “Sorry, I’m all dirty andsticky.”
“Oh, no worries at all,” saysLyle. “I loved the game. You were so good!”
“She was, wasn’t she?” I hear avoice behind me. It’s Matt, the captain. He’s even sweatier than Iam. “I can’t believe we scored a former Division 1 powerforward.”
There’s a flash of something inChris’s eyes when he looks at Matt, but it quickly disappears as heschools his features.
“This is Matt, our team captain,”I say, and Matt waves to the men. “His wife and kids are in thestands.”
I see the muscles in Chris’s jawrelax.
“Matt, these are Chris and Lyle.Chris is my neighbor and basketball enthusiast…”
Chris raises his eyebrows, butrelaxes when he sees my crooked smile. The title is meant to needlehim.
“And this is Lyle, Chris’s bossand, presumably, another basketball enthusiast.”
“That is absolutely correct,” saysLyle, looking very excited to find himself among this particulargroup of people.
“Good to meet everyone,” Mattsays. “Rox, you going with the team to celebrate later?”
“Yes, sure.”
“Okay.” He turns toward the men.“See you guys later.”
I turn to Lyle. “I hope Chrishasn’t twisted your arm too much to come watch the game?”
“Not at all. He often speaks ofhow amazing you are.” He looks at Chris askance, with a knowinglittle smile. “He said you were thinking about coaching. Mydaughter is in middle school and her team needs an assistant coach.The head coach is very good, but I think the girls would lovehaving you around. The season starts soon, so let me know if youare interested.”
Coaching? I could be coaching? Assoon as this year?
“What do you think, Rox?” Chrislooks expectant and adorably unsure.