Page 14 of Marry Me Forever
Then he leaned down and time slowed, almost as if Nolan was giving me the chance to back out.
Always a gentleman, like all the Wolfe brothers were.
But once his lips touched mine, I forgot about his brothers. Something snapped inside of me. Heat surged, and suddenly I wanted to be closer to him. Much closer.
So I pressed my front against his hard body. Even through our clothes, my body was on fire, in a good way. For a beat, I wondered what it’d feel like to rub my nipples against him. Would he have chest hair?
How would it feel to have him suck and bite one?
But as Nolan’s lips moved, everything else faded away. His lips were gentle at first, caressing, letting me get used to him. Then his tongue seamed my lips, and I opened with a groan.
As his tongue twined with mine, I reveled in his heat and taste and the way he claimed my mouth. Shy, quiet Nolan Wolfe knew how to fucking kiss well.
Then his hand on my cheek tilted my head for better access, and soon the kiss turned even hotter. Licks and nibbles and strokes. And unlike with some kisses, it was as if we each knew what the other would do or wanted, and every time Nolan groaned into my mouth, wetness rushed between my thighs.
Then his phone vibrated in his pocket, and Nolan broke the kiss. For a few beats, we stared at each other, breathing heavily. No doubt Nolan’s stunned expression matched my own.
I’d never been kissed like that before in my life.
I almost wanted to say Nolan felt the same way, judging from his expression. But then again, maybe it’d all been an act?
Then all too quickly the moment ended, and he took out his phone as he retreated several feet. I fanned myself, closed my eyes, and tried to get my body under control. My voice, however, wasn’t as steady as it could be when I asked, “Who is it?”
“My aunt. The gossip tree must be in full swing because she wants to know why I went to your family’s place before seeing her.”
With one last deep breath, I regained some semblance of composure and opened my eyes. “Well, that’s easy—just say you needed to place a cheese order for New Year’s or something like that. Maybe for a grand party. After all, you usually don’t stick around after Christmas, so it’s totally believable.”
I slapped a hand over my mouth because that sounded critical.
He shrugged. “Well, it’s true. I always spend Thanksgiving and Christmas in Starry Hills. But usually my agent or assistant makes me go to some big New Year’s Party for connections and exposure.”
Removing my hand, I walked closer to Nolan. “But judging by the use of ‘makes me,’ you don’t really want to go to them, do you?”
“Not really. I don’t know if you remember, but parties and stuff were never really my thing.”
“And yet, you have to do them—and big fancy premieres—for your job.”
He put his phone down and rubbed his hands over his face. “Yes. That’s the only reason I ever agreed to go out with Wendy in the first place. You see, my agent suggested she could put in a good word for an upcoming role. She wanted a handsome man on her arm, and I needed to make a connection. It seemed a win-win at the time.”
“Did you get that role?”
“No. And it was the first and last time I took dating advice from my agent, John.”
I sat on a stool at the kitchen island. “So let me get this straight—your agent is named John and your assistant is Jenn. Right?”
He leaned on the counter, close to me. It took everything I had not to ogle his shoulders or stare at his mouth, or even reach a hand out to see if he had late-day stubble on his jaw.
Somehow, I focused on his reply instead. “Yeah. My lawyer’s name is another one you should probably know. Her name is Tina, and she’s Jenn’s wife. They met by working together on something for me.”
“That’s adorable. Kind of like in a movie—two overworked employees bonding over their demanding boss.”
“I’m not?—”
I shook my head. “I’m teasing, Nolan. Diva is the last word I’d use to describe you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, before Aunt Lori starts her emoji-filled text harassment, we should hash out some last major details. Especially if you’re taking me to Thanksgiving. You didn’t say it was me, just that you were bringing a date, right?”