Page 19 of Marry Me Forever
I expected her to ask why I had wanted to do that—and discuss the death of my dad and later my mom—but she rearranged the skirt of her dress and said, “Well, I know West and Beck are hanging out together more now. And I’m sure if you asked them to go to The Watering Hole, they’d jump at the chance to drink with their younger brother.”
The Watering Hole was the bar for locals, off the main road, to give us all a break from the tourists. “Maybe later. For now, I need to focus on the problem of my ex, and then I can try fixing things with my brothers.”
“I don’t think you need to fix things so much as get to know each other as adults.”
“Easier said than done, when our lives are so different.”
Not to mention that both Beck and West had refused my help out of stubborn pride. I wanted to help my family as much as the rest, but somehow my way of doing that—usually by offering money—was a no-starter.
Forget about that for now. Thanksgiving is one of the few happy times a year with your family. Just enjoy it.
I pulled into the back parking lot of Wolfe Family Farm and Winery, where my family lived, and turned off the ignition.
After dashing out of the car and around to the other side, I opened the door and put out my hand. As soon as Katie placed hers in mine, a thread of electricity shot through my body and memories of our earlier kiss rushed back.
The kiss where I’d wanted to strip her naked and claim more than her mouth.
But then she shivered, and I squeezed her hand. “You’re cold.”
“Sometimes you have to suffer for fashion and to make a statement.”
I tried to shrug off my coat, but Katie merely threaded her arm through mine and tugged. “Let’s just hurry inside. I want to make an entrance.”
We walked toward the door. “With my family? Why? You’ve known them since you were born.”
“Well, yes. But you’re the hot, sexy movie star, and I’m, well, I’m just Katie Evans. I need to up my game.”
I stopped walking and turned to face Katie. I cupped her cheek and made her look at me.
The uncertainty in her eyes killed me. “Here’s how I see it—Katie Evans treats me like a normal guy, which makes her the best of the best. Irreplaceable, even.” I stroked her cheek with my thumb and murmured, “You look beautiful, Katie. I don’t think I said that earlier.”
She opened her mouth, but Aunt Lori’s voice carried through the air before Katie could reply. “Wait, is Katie this mystery date of yours, Nolan?”
I reluctantly released Katie’s cheek, and we both walked toward Aunt Lori. “Yes, Katie’s my girlfriend. We didn’t tell anyone at first so we could figure things out on our own. But we’re serious, and so I thought I’d surprise you with the news.”
Aunt Lori studied my face for a few seconds before smiling. “Well, Katie’s always welcome here.” She smiled at Katie. “You’re looking lovely today, dear. Makes me wish I had a fancy dress like that.”
Katie smoothed the skirt. “I got lucky and found it at the thrift store, Aunt Lori.”
“Don’t tell anyone that, dear. Just own it, as if you bought it on Rodeo Drive.”
As soon as we entered the hallway, my niece and nephew barreled toward us. Avery hugged me. “Uncle Nolan! Did you bring me that autograph like you promised?”
I pretended to think and tapped my chin. “Autograph? Well, I can sign something for you later.”
“No, not yours! Oh, you’re amazing. But you promised to get Kane Williams’ autograph!”
Kane Williams was a teenage actor I’d worked with the year before, for a superhero movie. Avery had a little crush on him and had squealed when she found out I knew him. “Oh, that autograph. I have it, but you’re not getting it until after dinner.”
Avery put out her bottom lip. “Really?”
My brother West walked up and put his hands on Avery’s shoulders. “Yes, later. And stop pretend-pouting. We talked about that.” West nodded at me. “Hey, Nolan.” His gaze moved to Katie. “Katie, what a surprise. I didn’t think my brother was your type. But then again, I never saw myself with Emmy until this year, so anything’s possible.”
I growled. “West, be nice.”
Katie gave me a warning glance before replying to West, “Maybe all the BFF Circle members are destined for unique stories. But I discovered Nolan is my type, after all.”
Part of me wished her words were true. However, I knew they weren’t.