Page 33 of Marry Me Forever
Zach: Stop being modest, Nolan. And hey, if you really love me, maybe you’ll set me up with one of your famous friends? Purely as a business opportunity, of course.
Zach: I’m offended. Truly offended. But just think about it, okay? Your video ads for the winery have been a huge help, but I want to take Starry Wolfe wine to the next level. To do that, I need connections.
Me (typed but deleted): You could’ve done that already if you’d only taken my help earlier, when I offered to invest.
Me (actual reply instead): I’ll see what I can do. Now, leave me alone. I’m on a date.
Zach: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
As I guided us toward the marzipan stall, a mixture of emotions churned inside me. I was still pissed as fuck about those women and what they’d intended to do to Katie. For most adults that age, they’d be beyond that petty crap. And yet, I knew firsthand that reaching eighteen years old didn’t mean people automatically behaved better.
At times, some of the private and direct messages people had sent me in the early days of my career still haunted me. Behind a keyboard, people truly had no shame or boundaries.
However, I had fame and money to help protect me. Katie didn’t. Even so, she seemed determined to tackle everything by herself. Oh, the BFF Circle helped when they could, but I still wondered why Katie shouldered so much alone.
Even though I should turn on the charm and get the proposal scene staged, I couldn’t help but blurt, “Who do you confide in? I mean, really confide in about your troubles?”
Katie raised her brows. “Who do you confide in?”
“Mainly my assistant and my lawyer.”
She looked back toward the line of craft and food stalls. “I have my friends, but I’m closest to my sister, Cassie.”
“And yet, I sense you still hold back from them all.”
She swung her free hand, and then finally squeezed my arm in hers. “Yes. And before you ask why, it’s complicated.”
“Which means you don’t want to talk about it.”
“Maybe later.”
If I were really her boyfriend, I’d probably push her.
However, I had to remember it was all an act. Yes, we had to prove we were a couple to the world, but that was it. Soul-bearing hadn’t been part of the deal.
Even though I wished it had been.
Since we were at the marzipan stall, I decided to drop it. For now. Because I burned to figure out Katie Evans, no matter what it took. Which was probably a huge fucking warning bell, but I ignored it.
Katie released my hands and oohed over the marzipan display. “Look at all the little creatures! And ones made to look like food! This year seems more amazing than the last.”
I caught the seller’s eyes, and he nodded at me. I’d arranged a few things on my way to meet Katie, which was why I’d been late. “Which is your favorite?”
“Oh, that’s a hard question. I like both the penguins and the reindeer. Although the fruit ones are pretty, too.”
“Order whatever you like, baby. It’s yours.”
She smiled at me. “You’re going to spoil me, aren’t you?”
“Every chance I get.”
Her voice softened. “Thank you, Nolan. You don’t have to, you know.”
I leaned closer and whispered for her ears only, “I want to, baby. I promise.” I leaned back. “Now, take your pick.”
As Katie made her selections, I moved to the far side of the stall and took my special order from the owner. He winked and then went to ring up Katie’s treats. Once she had them all packaged up, I stood in front of her, with one hand behind my back. “Did you get everything you wanted?”