Page 37 of Marry Me Forever
“Hmm, so there are other reasons. Aren’t you going to tell me what they are?”
Nolan turned down the drive to his family’s place. “It’s better if I surprise you. After all, you’ll be staying at my place in Malibu when you come down to L.A.”
“I am?”
“You’ll have your own room, don’t worry.”
Why did I suddenly feel disappointed?
Don’t go there. Just keep him talking.
I shifted in my seat. “I’m going to constantly think and wonder what could possibly be in that house of yours. Do you have a sex dungeon? Because that could be fun. Or maybe you have themed rooms for your sexcapades. And hey, don’t worry, I don’t kink shame.”
His lips twitched. “Maybe I have rooms of boxes and am a hoarder. Or, each of my hobbies has a room filled to the brim with supplies or knick knacks? Or maybe my house is completely empty except for a few rooms.”
“I like the sex dungeon or kink rooms better.”
Nolan laughed as he parked the car. “Those would definitely be good reasons not to give public tours. Because while you’re open-minded, some people think if sex isn’t missionary, it’s weird.”
“Hey, consenting adults can do whatever they want. I’ve read so many romances over the years that I have a stockpile of fantasies and scenarios I’m dying to try out with the right guy.”
I nearly slapped my hand over my mouth. Why had I told Nolan that?
Nolan cleared his throat and was about to reply when the back door of the house opened and Abby rushed out. She knocked on the car window. I opened the door, and she said, “You’d better hurry. Aunt Lori just heard about the proposal and if you don’t give her the details, stat, she’s going to drive even me insane, which is hard to do.”
Saved by Aunt Lori, thank goodness.
I disembarked from the car, and Nolan was already there waiting for me. His gaze met mine and he nodded. “Ready, baby?”
“As much as I can be.”
He took and squeezed my hand in reassurance, and we headed for the door. No sooner had we stepped into the hallway than Aunt Lori popped her head out of the living room entrance. “There you are! Now, come in and tell me everything. Because my friend texting me about your engagement was not how I’d hoped to find out about it.”
I whispered, “See? I told you we should’ve called or texted first.”
Nolan sighed. “I like doing things in person.”
Abby stood nearby and snorted. “You know how Aunt Lori loves her emojis. You could’ve made an entire story out of them and made her happy.”
Aunt Lori waved a hand in dismissal. “We’re past that. Let’s sit down, have some tea and coffee, and you can fill me in before your brothers get home.”
And so we sat and recited the proposal, the buildup to it, and Nolan even gave me a few loving glances and kissed the back of my hand.
The entire time, I swore Aunt Lori watched us. Nolan was right—she would be the hardest to fool.
Since Nolan leaned against me, I could feel his tense muscles. I didn’t like it.
So I yawned dramatically and said, “It’s been a big day, Aunt Lori. And all I want to do is go home and share the news with my family.”
Aunt Lori smiled at me. “Of course you do, child. And I’m happy for you both, truly.” She paused to look at each of us in turn. “And I hope you know that you can trust me with anything.”
Her words set off alarm bells inside my head. However, Nolan stood and took me with him. “We know, Aunt Lori. I’ll be back later.”
After saying goodbye to Aunt Lori and Abby—the others hadn’t made it home, and the twins and West were staying at Emmy’s place—we headed out to the car and got in.
I blurted, “She knows.”
Nolan drove down the road. “Maybe, maybe not. Either way, she won’t say anything.”