Page 46 of Marry Me Forever
Zach slapped me on the back. “Come on, the car I ordered should be here soon.”
As I stood together with all my siblings for the first time in years, I wondered how the evening would go. I could loosen up a little with Beck, West, and maybe Zach. And Abby was good at keeping us all talking. But Zane? I didn’t even know who he was anymore.
Still, as we all piled into the van and headed to the bar, I decided to make an effort. “Since Zane hasn’t been around in a while, he can pick our first drink.”
Abby nodded. “Sometimes we do that, as part of our theme night. While we can’t have a full-blown one—complete with shirts or hats or what have you—you get to select the drink. Then we all have to have the same thing and can’t refuse. Oh, and you can pick the jukebox music, too.”
Beck drawled, “Just don’t pick Starry Wolfe wine because we have that at home for free.”
Zach sighed. “As if he’d do that. Seriously, Beck.”
Zane smiled. “Same old Beck—offering sage advice, even if it’s unwanted.”
Beck flipped his middle finger. “This is the thanks I get for swaying Aunt Lori to let you join the SEALs.”
“I forgot about that,” I said.
Aunt Lori had been against it, mostly because her late husband had also been a Navy SEAL and had died far too young.
Zane said, “I’m still grateful for your help, Beck. But I tease you because you’re my brother. And given my arm, you can’t hit me, no matter how annoying I am. So I plan to take full advantage of it.”
Beck raised an eyebrow. “I could still knee you in the balls.”
West grunted. “And then I’d dump your ass into the horse trough, Beck. Again.”
Zane asked, “Again? When did this happen? This is a story I need to hear.”
As West told us about how he and Beck had gotten into a fight not long after West had returned to Starry Hills, some of the ease of our childhood returned. And as the night went on—Zane made us drink fruity, sweet cocktails all night—story after story came out. Most of them were from before Dad had died.
By the time we left, Zane wasn’t as much of a stranger as before. He sat next to me on the ride home, and as Beck and Zach squabbled over something like always, Zane said quietly, “Congrats on your success, Nolan. Even in my remote corners of the world, I tried to see as many of your movies as I could.”
“Thanks. It’s been a double-edged sword, but I’m still glad I took the leap.”
“Yes, I heard about your ex causing problems. But you ended up finding love at home, huh, with Katie Evans?”
I couldn’t judge his tone. “Yes. She sees me as a normal guy, and it’s nice.”
“She’s pretty, too. And full of life. Are you worried about unleashing her on L.A.?”
Anger flared in my belly. “She’s cheerful and playful and kind. Unleashing her makes Katie sound like some untamed animal. So watch your words, Zane. I fucking mean it.”
Zane put up the hand of his uninjured arm, palm forward. “Woah, I’m sorry, Nolan. I didn’t mean to insult her. She was just really outgoing in middle and high school. And from what I’ve heard, she can still be that way. Your ex will most definitely use it against her, too. You need to think of some contingency plans, in case things go south.”
I studied Zane’s expression for a few seconds. Sure, he could smile and joke like his twin. But there was something older, more mature, and even a little tired-looking about my younger brother now. His life as a SEAL had definitely changed him. I wondered what had happened to him over the last decade.
But if Zane were to share that with anyone, it would be with Zach and not me. “I know. And we’re working on it.” I paused and asked, “So, has the last ten years been one long backup plan after another for you?”
“Something like that. And if you need any help with strategy, I’m here to listen and analyze. I may not know all the ins and outs of being famous, but if you give me enough information, I can figure out just about anything.”
“Thanks, Zane. I hope I never need your help like that, but I appreciate it all the same.”
Zane nodded, and then Zach asked him when they could hit the town and look for women to flirt with.
I shared a glance with Abby, and she shrugged. It looked more and more like Zach and Amber’s once close friendship would never be more than that.
As soon as we arrived home, Avery had us tasting cookies and then we all sat down to watch a movie—A Christmas Story. Avery hated it because she thought the boys made poor choices the whole time. It wasn’t my favorite either, but sitting with my family, eating popcorn and cookies, all while Zach and Zane made wisecrack comments, reminded me of happier times.
If only Katie had been there, sitting in my lap, it would’ve been perfect.