Page 48 of Marry Me Forever
My mother rolled her eyes. “You wouldn’t be here without me and your father having fun.”
“Maybe. But I really, really don’t want to hear the details. I like to pretend it’s the 1950s and you have separate beds, like on some of the old TV shows.”
“Why would I do that? Your dad is far too handsome, and it’d be a pity for him to sleep alone.”
I groaned. “Can you finish the turkey so I can run far, far away?”
My mother clicked her tongue. “Katherine Ruth, grow up.”
As I tried to think of a reply—my mother using my middle name meant she was truly annoyed—the doorbell rang. Cassie shouted, “I got it!”
Then I heard a squeal and smiled. Nolan was here.
As soon as he appeared in the kitchen doorway, I forgot all about my mother and her raunchy sexcapades. When Nolan’s eyes met mine, I smiled wider. When the corner of his mouth kicked up, my heart skipped a beat.
I had it bad. Which meant I needed to be careful.
After we all said, “Merry Christmas,” Nolan spoke. “Katie must be feeling better if she’s helping with the turkey.”
Cassie rolled her eyes. “Yes, because holding a turkey butt together requires vast amounts of strength.”
I replied, “Well, Mom does overstuff it.”
My mother shook her head as she cut the thread. “You love my stuffing, so stop complaining. And I can see you want some alone time with your man, so go. But the first game starts in twenty minutes. If you’re not back in time, I’ll send Kyle to find you. And do you really want your brother to see you half-naked?”
I’d just started washing my hands. “Mom!”
My mother winked. “I was young once. Now, go on. It’s Cassie’s turn to help with the pie crust.”
Cassie waggled her eyebrows at me, and after drying my hands, I lightly punched her arm.
As soon as I reached Nolan, he leaned down and kissed me gently. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, baby.”
“Not here.” I took his hand and tugged. I took him upstairs, to my room, and shut the door.
Nolan and I stared at each other, and the room seemed to shrink.
Then it dawned on me—I was alone with Nolan in a bedroom and I wasn’t sick.
I leaned toward him, but he released me and put his hands in his pockets. A clear sign that the show was over until we were in front of my family again.
Pushing aside my disappointment, I leaned back against the door. “Did you have a nice Christmas with your family?”
Nolan shrugged. “It was good and yet weird at the same time. All six of us haven’t been together since my dad died.”
“And where did you fit into the group this time?” He raised his brows in question, and I added, “I mean, you always seemed apart from the rest once your dad passed. And thanks to Abby, I know you, Beck, West, and Zach sometimes get drinks together. However, did Zane change the dynamics?”
As soon as I finished, I knew I was getting into extremely personal stuff. The kind of things you might ask a boyfriend, but not a fake one.
However, as Nolan turned to the window, he answered, “Zane suggested they all come visit me in Malibu, and they all said yes. He’s far more observant than he was when he was little. I think his time in the SEALs changed him.”
“We all grow up and change a little, I suppose. But that’s good, right, that they want to visit you since you said they never visited before?”
He turned back toward me. “I suppose. Although you’ll be there before them, provided you feel well enough for New Year’s.”
Nolan clearly didn’t want to talk about his family visiting, so I didn’t pursue it. Instead, I walked over to him. “I’m not on death’s door anymore. I’ll be fine.”
He ran a finger down my cheek, and I leaned toward him. “I’m glad, Katie. I can’t wait for you to stay with me in L.A.”