Page 59 of Marry Me Forever
The car stopped, and I mentally cursed. I didn’t want to stop talking about this.
However, once Nolan’s driver asked what we wanted for lunch, Nolan released my hand and we ordered.
Then silence fell as we ate and made our way to some secret destination, both of us lost in thought.
Chapter Eighteen
Aunt Lori: Tell me you’re coming for West’s birthday on the 12th, Nolan. We’re having a party.
West: He doesn’t have to come. I don’t want a party.
Aunt Lori: Of course you do! It’s the first time you’ll be here to celebrate it with us in nearly two decades.
Zane: She’s got you there, brother. Do you really want to make our dear aunt cry?
West: Stop guilt-tripping me, Zane. It won’t work.
Zach: Well, West IS inching ever closer to forty, so you’d better come see him while you still can, Nolan.
Beck: Don’t worry, it’s going to be low key, with just some wine and good food. I put my foot down about a grand party.
Aunt Lori: It’s sweet how you think that worked, Becky.
Zane: I have your back, Aunt Lori. I wasn’t here for my birthday, so we need to celebrate them both.
Abby: I’m staying out of this.
Beck: Coward.
West: Don’t come, Nolan. There won’t be any party, if I can help it.
Me: I’ll be there for your wedding next month, West. But why is this a group text?
Aunt Lori: I have all six of you back in my life, and I’ll be group texting every day.
Me: Well, I have an appointment. Keep me updated.
Aunt Lori: I’ll let you know when the party plans are finalized.
Beck and West:
As my driver, George, parked the car, I tried my best to push aside the conversation I’d had with Katie. I still couldn’t believe I’d told her about my charity. It hadn’t been planned, and yet I’d wanted to finally tell someone about it.
I was a long way from blurting it out to my family, but that was okay. There had been a lot of changes for the Wolfes over the last year, and they didn’t need more disruption in their lives.
Once George turned off the car, I focused on my Christmas present for Katie. After removing a blindfold from the seat pocket, I held it up.
She raised an eyebrow. “Really? I have to be blindfolded?”
“Yes. Don’t you trust me?”
I mentally cursed at asking that. We hadn’t spent that much time together, after all.