Page 61 of Marry Me Forever
“If you haven’t read it, how do you know?”
“People love to share quotes. Especially the dirty parts.”
I chuckled. “Of course they do.”
“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve read a few. This one is supposed to have some deep character development, too.”
I took it, noted the title, and added it to the basket I carried. “I’ll get the ebook on my phone and start it as soon as possible. I like to read between down times at my job, when there’s not enough time to nap or go for a run.”
“Those are vastly different things.”
“Both relax me, in different ways.” I gestured toward the shelves. “You have one book so far. Pick out some more that tickles your fancy.”
“‘Tickles my fancy.’ How old are you again?”
I winked. “I can be from any age, remember?”
A mischievous glint entered her eyes. “Which opens up lots of possibilities.”
“Er, for what?”
She patted my chest. “We’ll get to that. Now, let me pick out some more books.”
As she rushed off, I followed and couldn’t stop smiling. And as she picked out an interesting collection of romances—from ones about cowboys to people who change into dragons to adult-only fairytale retellings—I got a better glimpse into Katie Evans. She loved to read, didn’t bat an eyelash to point out some of the hottest books and mention a scene or two, and most importantly—she had accepted my gift.
By the end, I didn’t care how much I’d spent. Or that Katie would need five or six bookcases to hold them all.
No, because I’d received the most precious thing of all—time with a woman who treated me as just a guy. A woman who didn’t mind teasing about hot sex scenes in a car or in a helicopter or even in some abandoned cottage in the mountains. A woman who teased me and didn’t mind being teased in return.
And by the end, I was more than ready for our night together. Even if I suspected it would be a point-of-no-return for me when it came to wanting Katie, I didn’t care.
First, though, I’d make her come so hard that she’d forget about all other men. Then I could start wooing her for real.
Chapter Nineteen
Abby: Nolan did what for your Christmas present???
Me: You truly didn’t know about the bookstore shopping spree?
Abby: No. But it was an amazing present, for sure.
Amber: And so romantic.
Emmy: I agree. First the vintage dress, and now an unlimited book shopping-spree. I think Nolan is spoiling you.
Me: Maybe. But the real test is yet to come.
Emmy: What, figuring out just how many blowjobs you should give him to say thank you?
Me: As if that would be a bad thing.
Amber: I’m dating outside your family.
Abby: And?