Page 64 of Marry Me Forever
The corners of his mouth kicked up. “I can still feel your warm skin under my lips, your scent filling my nose, and your soft sighs as I kissed up your spine.”
He arched up, his hard cock pressing against me, and I moaned.
He whispered, “I don’t want to wait until after dinner. Tell me I can have you now, baby. I want to strip you, and worship you with my mouth, and watch you bounce on my dick as you ride me.”
His words shot straight between my thighs. “I thought you wanted to know my fantasies.”
As his hands caressed my back, my sides, my ass, he asked, “What do you want me to do to you, then?”
I bit my lip a second before replying, “I know you carried me to the clinic when I was sick. But…”
“But what?”
“I’ve been dreaming of you going all Highlander, tossing me over your shoulder, and whisking me to your bedroom to have your wicked way with me.”
His accent was Scottish when he said, “If that’s what my lass wants, that’s what she’ll get. Aye?”
I smiled. “Ooh, a man who can do accents on demand AND carry me up the stairs? I’ve hit the jackpot.”
“I can even get costumes.”
He waggled his eyebrows, and I laughed. “You’re full of surprises, Nolan.”
“The good kind, I hope.”
“The best.” I kissed him. “Now, take me upstairs and do dirty things to me.”
After opening the door, he helped me off his lap, followed me up, and then without another word, tossed me over his shoulder.
I squealed as he lightly slapped my butt. “I didn’t think you were serious.”
His large, warm hand caressed my ass cheek. “What my baby wants, she gets.”
With that, he ran up the stairs to the front door, dashed inside, and then up another set of stairs. I laughed the whole way. Here I was, in a mansion in Malibu, with a bona fide movie star carting me up the stairs, just because I’d asked him to do it.
Sometimes life was stranger than fiction. But in a good way.
However, as soon as Nolan entered his bedroom, shut the door, and slowly slid me down his body, I forgot about everything except his hard chest pressed against me.
Gently brushing the hair off my face, he said, “Now’s the chance to tell me if you want to back out, Katie. No pressure—this is entirely up to you.”
A flash of insecurity rushed through me. “Why? Did you want to back out?”
He growled. “Fuck no. I’m dying to strip you naked, devour your pussy, and make you scream. But only if you want it. Not because of pity or scoring with a famous person or just to please me. I want you to want this for yourself.”
“Have I ever treated you as some high and mighty movie star, or put you on a pedestal?”
“If anything, you were my best friend’s annoying older brother for so long. But that’s definitely changed.” I stood on my tiptoes and whispered, “As for wanting you, why don’t you see for yourself how wet and ready I am?”
He growled, moved my head, and kissed me. Not soft and slow, but hard and fast, as if he couldn’t get enough of me. Every lick and stroke and nibble was another claim on me.
His hand didn’t waste time unzipping my jeans. As soon as his rough, warm fingers caressed my belly underneath my underwear, I widened my stance. “Touch me, Nolan. Please.”
Running his hand down, down, down, he finally stroked through my center and growled. “Fuck, you’re dripping for me, baby. And if I don’t taste you soon, I’m going to explode.”
“Have a little problem, do you?”