Page 68 of Marry Me Forever
He chuckled. “You knew I lived on the beach.”
“Well, I thought near it. But it’s right there. Is that your backyard?”
“Yes. I have a private beach.” He leaned back. “Should we eat dinner outside, on the beach?”
I stroked his chest. “Could we? It’d be nice to relax outside for a while before we, er, spend more time inside.”
He kissed my nose. “Tonight will be up to you. Did you want to come back to my bedroom after dinner?”
Maybe I should’ve hesitated, but screw it. Until I had penis-in-vagina sex, I would constantly wonder what it’d be like to be with Nolan.
I had no idea if the offer was beyond tonight. I’d probably want Nolan every day, if I could have him. But one night might be all he needed before he tired of me.
Don’t think about that and ruin the day. Just embrace what you do have.
Nolan kissed me one last time before stepping away.
I nearly asked him to hold me in his arms again.
He gestured. “There’s a bathroom in there. Your suitcase will be in the walk-in closet, which is that door.” He gestured toward one off to the side. “I’ll meet you downstairs, if you think you can manage it?”
“Of course.”
He picked up his clothes, stared at me another second with an unreadable expression, and then left the room.
My clit was still sensitive as I walked toward the closet, a reminder that I’d actually been naked with Nolan. More than that, he’d made me orgasm harder than any man before in my life.
But as I opened the closet door and stepped inside, my jaw dropped. The “closet” was bigger than my bedroom back home. Hell, maybe two of my bedrooms put together.
Clothes hung from various bars, shoes organized, accessories too. And there sat my pink suitcase in a corner, somewhat dirty and battered from my trip here. It looked decidedly out of place.
Just like I was.
That realization helped bring my head back down from the clouds and reminded me this wasn’t the life for me. Short, curvy, outgoing Katie Evans worked on a dairy farm. She didn’t lounge on private beaches, have dresses that cost more than a month’s salary, or mingle with rich and powerful people.
All I could do was enjoy the time I had, go on my trip of a lifetime, and return to Starry Hills.
Oh, and have sex with Nolan. I was curious about what that man could do.
However, I would never have a permanent life with him. It was time to stop wishing and hoping and dreaming, and instead do something practical, like come up with what I’d say to his ex when I finally met her.
Because it was only a matter of time before I encountered her in L.A., and there was no way in hell I’d let her best or bully me.
Chapter Twenty
Jenn: She’s your wolf mate.
Me: WTF are you talking about?
Jenn: Wolves usually mate for life. You’re a Wolfe, and she’s your wolf mate.
Me: How long have you been waiting to use that factoid?
Jenn: Years. I didn’t want you to be a lone wolf forever.