Page 80 of Marry Me Forever
Without hesitation, I answered, “Yes.”
As soon as I placed my hand in his, he guided me to the dance floor. After putting a hand at my waist, he used his free one to take mine. Once I had my hand on his shoulder, he said, “We’ll go slowly at first. Once you get the hang of it, we’ll match our pace to everyone else.”
He counted off and for a minute, I concentrated on following his movements. Soon we were gliding across the floor in time with everyone else, and I smiled up at him. “Handsome, rich, and an excellent teacher? Is there anything you can’t do?”
“I suck at baseball. And I’m afraid of snakes.”
“But didn’t you star in that adventure movie, the one where you had to walk through a room of snakes?”
He shuddered. “Don’t remind me. I nearly pissed myself when a scene required draping some across my shoulders.”
I smiled. “So, the great Nolan Drake is afraid of snakes. I’ll keep that in mind, in case I need to plot revenge.”
I waggled my eyebrows, and he laughed. “Fair’s fair—tell me something you’re afraid of.”
“Well, it’s not so much an animal or insect, per se. But I’m afraid that I’ll never figure out what to do with my life, or discover my purpose. I’ll travel, yes. But after that? I don’t really want to return to my family’s farm and conduct tours again. But do what instead? I have no idea.”
“You still have time to figure it out, baby.”
“I’m nearly twenty-seven years old, Nolan. Shouldn’t I know by now?”
“Not necessarily. Even if you had figured everything out by now, things could always change at the drop of a hat, no matter your age. For example, look at Emmy’s brother. Rafe was a soccer star for nearly twenty years, and yet one injury ended his career and he now has to start over.” He guided me through a difficult twirl before continuing, “I think for some people, it takes time and patience to know what you should do or where you belong. And it could always be more than one thing, changing as your life changes. What was fulfilling at twenty might not be the same as at fifty.”
“Maybe. But my sister Cassie always knew she wanted to be a nurse, and Kyle’s always loved the dairy farm. Sam likes the farm, but is excited to start working for Emmy’s wedding and event planning business soon. But me? I sure as hell don’t want to conduct tours forever. And yet, it’s the only thing I seem to be good at.”
He tilted his head, as if to study me. “Have you written a list of things you like to do? Or are good at? Don’t hold back, write everything down, no matter how far-fetched. Then you could see where they overlap and maybe find a new path. There’s a perfect job out there for you, baby. I just know it.”
It was something so simple, and yet I’d never really tried that approach.
And the fact Nolan was encouraging me didn’t hurt either.
“It’s definitely something to think about.”
He tightened his hold on me. “Even if you don’t have it all figured out straight away, it might plant a seed that will take root. One that, during your travels, might finally grow and spark a new passion or dream.”
The music started to wind down, and I wished we could dance forever. “Do you have an answer for everything?”
He chuckled. “Not even close. I’m just observant. Sometimes I’m wrong, but not often.”
He winked, and I laughed. “We might have to test that theory.”
“Any time, baby. Any time.”
The music stopped, and Nolan guided me off the dance floor. He waved at someone and I asked, “Is that another friend of yours?”
“Yes. Dylan Murphy and I worked together in a few movies. We played best friends in one and hit it off in real life, even if our schedules rarely match. Plus, his family runs a ranch in the same town where my aunt lives—Sun Falls. It was quite the coincidence.”
I was about to ask more about his family in Sun Falls when something tugged at the back of my skirt. Hard.
Then there was a loud ripping sound, and cold air blasted my ass and thighs.
A familiar voice said, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to step on your dress. But there’s just so many people here.” Wendy raised her voice. “Give us some space! Now!”
The last thing I needed was space, but soon the noise died down. Well, apart from my thudding heart, Nolan’s growl, and the sound of cameras clicking.
Ones probably taking pictures of my ass encased in shapewear.
For a few seconds, I couldn’t think above the roar in my ears. The night had been going so well, to the point I’d thought maybe I could fit into Nolan’s life.