Page 97 of Nightmare Rising
“Tsk.” He playfully pinched my nipple through my shirt.
I grinned as I grabbed his wrist. The stitched line on his arm caught my attention. This was a good time to broach my idea. The strategy seemed sound.
Well, it did in my head; Val would need to say yes.
It was uncomfortable, how much I wanted him to say yes.
Love was not an emotion I valued. It got you hurt. Yvaine had been the first lesson. My dating life, or lack of, reinforced that it was better to be alone. It was easier just stop trying after my last boyfriend, Damien, just upped and left.Issueswith intimacy he’d told me.
More like survival. Bracing for disappointment.
Love had twisted inside me after the betrayal of my parents—they’d never stood by me. Maybe I was wrong to think that, to hate them a little, to lose faith in relationships? Logically, I knew I was wrong, and in a way, Ididstill love them. Just, it was limited, different, things like trust stayed broken.
Where did I and Val stand in that equation?
Just the thought twisted my gut—inside Val was the very epitome of the word betrayal. Iwantedto trust him, and I wanted that faith returned.
“Val.” I turned his arm slowly, my one hand tracing a line of the C’s symbols.
He tensed, it was all there in the subtle shift of his weight—he didn’t like the reminding.
I looked up into his face—his serious, gray eyes. He was beautiful. From the first time I saw him, I’d thought he was beautiful.
I was going to save him.
“I have an idea, maybe a way to help you.”
He raised a brow.
“I think maybe we can reinforce your hold over you, over yourself. Instead of losing more control to you know who.”
“The Nightmare King.”
“Fuuuck. Don’t say that name. It makes me fear for you.”
“He’s not the Candy Man.”
“You’re not taking me seriously.”
“Zara.” He brushed a lock of hair out of my face. “We’re partners. I couldn’t take you more seriously.”
I laughed. It seemed we both sucked at intimacy. So be it.
“You know I’ve been studying the symbols used by the C. I understand them now. The stuff Chester sent me helped it to make sense. They give powers to the stitched, like strength, health, the ability to see the occult, that kinda thing.”
Val took back his hand, folded his arms.
I spoke faster, “I’ve figured out a new combination, just for you, properties or spells, whatever, but I think we can use the alchemy symbols to weaken his hold.”
“So I’d become...stitched.”
“No! No. I’m not talking about finishing the symbol started by the C.” I shook my head. “If they get completed, you’ll be addicted to chasing creatures. Plus they will strengthen the NK as much as you. These aren’t so bold and straightforward as, say, strength. It’s a...quieter mixture. That’s the best I can describe these.”
“What are they then?”
I took a measured breath. “Humility. Empathy. Compassion. All things I feel will not help him but should help you.”