Page 51 of His Keepsake
Men emerged from a Mercedes-Benz van, luxurious, but still a van. They passed us on their way to the mansion. The men wore suits, the women were costumed like Emme—scantily and/or sexily. One wore black silk and was led by a leash attached to her collar, another was dressed in pony gear with hooves for shoes and hands, blinkers at her eyes, reins, and a bridle. None of this was unusual for a BDSM party, except for the fresh brand scar I saw on the pony girl’s thigh. Permanent marks ventured into extremes.
Unlike Emme, they wore no goggles.
Axl helped Emme from the cart, and I kept my hand on her elbow, guiding her, as we walked up wide stone steps to the flagstone patio. Our golfcart driver accompanied us.
“I have to stick in her tail.”
Axl smacked her butt. “She can put on a show then, for everyone.”
A man in what might be a suit sourced from an 1800s vampire movie waved us inside.
The entrance hall was half the size of my house. I wasn’t surprised or even that awed, because I’d had clients who were richer than any man had a right to be. And I had friends, like Axl, who were close to as wealthy as this. I was sure my own wealth would be a spit in the bucket to that of some of these guests.
Sofas and small coffee tables lined the hallway. I stopped and dragged Emme to an avocado-colored sofa. “Time for the tail to go in.”
With my hand on the back of her neck, I went to push her down, but she twisted and backed away, almost tripping. Her mumbled word was an obvious no, despite the plastic-wrapped bit in her teeth.
I grabbed her by the wrist and drew both of them to the small of her back. I forced her face down, kept her pinned. The act of doing this was a thrill, her small noises a euphoric drug, as I had always thought it would be. Making Emme behave for me, when she wasn’t even sure who I was—it was a high not achievable by any other means.
Her whimpers and wriggles lessened as I shifted one hand to grasp by the neck and make her head dent the cushion.
I smiled. My teeth were showing.
Panting, she lightly curled her fingertips in and felt my hand, where I still trapped her wrists. She touched me, as if to verify the hold and who had her.
I knew exactly where her mind was at and enjoyed telling her so. “You like it this way, don’t you? Fucking caught and on display. Made to take something in your tight little asshole. Say yes.”
I bent and kissed her neck, then deliberately ran my tongue from shoulder to ear. She moaned in quiet distress. Too aroused to truthfully deny it, I guessed. Too deep in her degradation to want to speak. Using her hair, I shook her head then turned her face to the side.
People were slowing as they passed us—no wonder.
“Grab your own elbows at your back, darling girl, before I decide to stick something even worse than this inside you.”
This time she promptly obeyed. I unzipped the ass slit again, removed the smaller plug—our attentive driver-cross-servant took the used one from me, holding it by the outer part. I grinned at his expression of vague distaste, then fetched the tail plug from my pocket. Axl handed me the lube.
We had a small crowd of onlookers. A man in jeans and a simple but elegant black shirt that oozed money, stood at the front. He raised an eyebrow. “Keep going.”
“Heyyy, Wolfman.” Axl exchanged nods with the new guy.
The wolfman label complemented his tousled, dark hair and shadowed eyes.
Savoring the deviant moment, I halted with my hand parting her ass cheeks, showing off her hole to the spectators.
With a small amount of pressure, the point of the plug nudged inside her. Exposed nicely by the overhead lights, her puckered hole opened wider.
“Going in,” I said softly as the plug sank into her. “I bet you’re feeling this in your clit.”
Her noises grew louder and perhaps indignant, though muffled by the cushion she was using to hide her face. I took this slow and steady. Her futile attempts to escape, I ignored. They were the icing on the cake of forcing her to take this inside her reluctant yet fertile body, before this appreciative audience.
Fertile.I imagined fucking her in front of them and forcing her to get pregnant. Damning evidence but also a fucking fun idea.
“We should catch her friend, Charity, tomorrow.” Axl said in a soft aside from where he sat on the armrest admiring Emme’s predicament.
The butt plug popped in all the way. She shrieked and tailed off into more whimpers as I zipped up the suit slit and arranged the foot-long fluffy tail.
“Jesus,” I muttered. “What did you say?”
“Charity. I’ve seen her photo and messages on this one’s phone. She’s a beauty, with kink in her blood. We can take her, keep her. Or…” He jerked his head at the dispersing guests. “One of these men will take her, if you just want to get rid of someone who might give evidence about you being at the café.”