Page 16 of Taming Scarlet
With that, I climbed into the front passenger seat, having to move one of those airport neck pillows out of my way before I sat down.
I guess that was how he survived the long nights on the town. By sleeping in the car while Scarlet was clubbing.
Suddenly, I kind of wish I’d gotten the job as her driver instead of her bodyguard.
There was a partition up between us and the backseat, but I could hear Scarlet’s muffled voice as she, I presumed, called a friend. Or maybe she was posting videos on her socials. Who the fuck knew.
“So, you’re the new one, eh?” Eric asked as he pulled away from the curb.
“Julian,” I said, nodding at him.
“Eric, but you already knew that.”
“How long have you been with Scarlet?” I asked.
“Me? Oh, since she was about… thirteen,” he said. “Just after her mama passed. Mr. Chandelier needed someone to drive her and the nanny around. Been driving her around ever since.”
That was, what? Ten years or so?
“How many guards has she gone through in that time?” I asked.
His lips tipped up slightly at that.
“I stopped counting,” he admitted. “But between me and you, those others… she was right to drive them off.”
Curiosity piqued, I tried to school my voice, so it didn’t come across too eager when I spoke again.
“Were they not good at their jobs?”
“They were not goodmen,” was all Eric would tell me, and I felt like he wasn’t giving me an opening to ask more than that.
An old-timer like Eric, though, that really only meant one thing. That he felt their interests weren’t what they should have been.
Had they been inappropriate with Scarlet?
Was that why she’d made them so miserable? Because she knew she couldn’t fire them or report them, else she’d lose her income, so she did the only thing she could? Acted like a complete spoiled brat to make them leave of their own volition.
“Got a good feeling about you, though,” Eric said.
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”
“Because you looked like you wanted to take her over your knee to teach her some manners when she was rude to you back there.”
“I did,” I admitted.
He didn’t need to know that it wasn’t in a parental way. That if I was going to have Scarlet over my knee, she was going to have her skirt hiked up, and her bare ass right there for me to give a good spanking to, watching her skin go pink as the slaps kept landing, feeling her pussy get wet as…
I had to stop letting my mind go there.
This was a job.
And I was going to keep my damn hands to myself.
“You know where we’re going?” I asked, since Scarlet hadn’t actually spoken to him.