Page 28 of Alaric
Directly across the hall from the side Siana’s apartment was on.
I sucked in a reassuring breath, realizing that someone else had likely been gunned down, not her.
But, still.
Gunshots in apartment buildings were dangerous. Depending on the caliber and the direction someone was standing, it was entirely possible for a stray bullet to go through to another apartment.
I made my way toward Siana’s door.
I paused there, though, suddenly fully aware of just how creepy this might come across to her.
I couldn’t seem to make myself turn around and go back home, though. Not without making sure she was okay.
Being considered a creep was better than never knowing what happened to her,if she was okay.
Taking another breath, I raised my hand.
And knocked.
I’d officially come to terms with the fact that I was just… insatiable when it came to this biker guy.
Because all I thought about all day was getting back on the app, and seeing if he would message me again.
All through walking Frida, cleaning the apartment, taking some more requested pictures of my feet, and making an elaborate dinner just to have something to occupy my mind.
Clearly, that didn’t work.
Because all I could think about was his deep, sexy voice as he said those dirty things to me, as he stroked himself as he watched and listened to me.
It was crazy because I wasn’t sure I’d ever felt asdesiredas I did on those video calls. Even though he never saw my face or more than my legs.
Was that all it was?
Was I becoming a little addicted to feeling wanted?
It wouldn’t be crazy to assume that. I mean, I didn’t get any sort of rush from the comments from my subscribers. Because it wasn’t aboutme. I was just a fetish, just a means to an end for them. I was likely one of many accounts they followed.
But this guy’s focus?
It was on me, about me.
At least in those moments when we were alone together. He was getting off on what we were sharing.
So it was about me.
And that focus, that interest, that desire, especially coming from a man like him, could definitely be giving me a bit of a confidence boost, a charge.
On top of that, yeah, it had been way too long since I’d gotten any sort of sexual release. Even by my own hand.
I’d been a powder keg of need.
And time with him was like little controlled explosions that provided some relief, so I wasn’t feeling so combustible all the time.
Or, at least, that was what I was telling myself.