Page 103 of Sin
He pulled his fingers back, wiping his cum on his jeans.
“I’m going to find out who touched you,” he whispered against my hair, “and I’m going to castrate them.”
I snorted. “They’re not worth it, London.”
Tenderly, he lifted my chin to look at him. The gentle movement was quite the juxtaposition to his words. “I don’t care. They touched you without your permission. Hurt you.” His throat clicked. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I said, not sure if I was just saying it to help soothe him or because I truly believed it. But I knew I wanted to believe it. “Thank you. For letting us try again.”
“I think I might just try about anything for you,” he muttered, tugging me closer once more.
For a while, he simply held me in his arms, and I let him. I’d been brave, letting him in. Like Sarah had said, I needed to start taking steps toward healing, and while she’d been thinking about what happened to my family, I knew I also needed to grieve for what happened to me in prison.
It didn’t mean there wouldn’t be issues in the future. I was sure I had a lot of triggers to work through. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t navigate these new waters together.
Maybe we wouldn’t be the same as we were, but that was okay. We weren’t the same people as before. We were both trying to heal in some way and form. Now, we just needed to figure out moving forward and if we could find forgiveness, for each other, for ourselves, and for all the opportunities lost to poor choices. But the future looked a little brighter. And I just hoped that when tomorrow came, we’d still be able to face it, together.
Chapter Twenty
When we returned to the table, I knew all my hard work at straightening my appearance hadn’t done a damn thing. Blade laughed, Jinx raised his brows, and Lewis whistled at me. Though, if they thought to embarrass me, they were going to have to try harder. Because I was just too damn happy.
Mare’s devilish grin spelled trouble. “Looks like you got more than a kiss.”
I flipped her off but couldn’t fight my smile as London and I took our seats. “Shut up. It’s Blade’s turn, yeah?”
She pretended to look bored as she drew one of the last remaining papers from each bowl, but I caught the excitement in her eyes before she managed to hide it. “I dare you to get a stranger to switch outfits with you.” She glanced down at her underwear in horror. “Seriously? No one’s going to switch with me looking like this!”
We laughed and Jinx nodded at her consequence card. “What’s the consequence?”
She opened the folded paper. “Talk in animal noises for the rest of dinner.” She sighed, shoving the papers away and surveying the crowd. “You guys suck, you know that, right?”
She spotted her prey, and left us to head over the same group of inebriated girls Jinx had performed his magic trick on earlier. She went up to one of the girls, a cute redhead wearing a slinky, black dress. We couldn’t hear what Blade said to the girl, but the redhead gaped at Blade’s clothes in confusion, then horror. She shook her head adamantly, and Blade trudged back to our table looking like a kicked puppy.
She slumped in her seat and dropped her head against the table, groaning.
“I assume she said no?” Lewis asked, his voice full of mirth.
Glared raised head just enough to glare at him. “Moo.”
Mare asked if we should get dessert, but much to everyone’s disappointment, London rejected the idea, stating we’d had enough sweets and junk food recently. Mare muttered some expressive curses under her breath, but sighed. Honestly, I was impressed she still had room for any more food.
While the others shot the shit and joked about their turns during the game, he listened quietly.
I almost jolted when his warm hand settled on my thigh. Not high enough like he aimed to turn me on, no. But high enough to heat my blood anyway.
We took a break from the game while we finished our dinner, and I felt buzzed despite the little alcohol I’d consumed. If I had to guess, I was high on happiness.
His hand returned to my thigh, and I swallowed as it inched higher, brushing along my length. “What are you doing?” I hissed under my breath.
My cock took notice, pushing against the zipper of my jeans in anticipation. I mentally gave it a stern talking to about self-control.
A twinkle formed in London’s gaze before he turned his attention back to the team, acting like he wasn’t stroking the outline of my cock and making me squirm. “It’s Lewis’s turn, yes?”
I rolled my eyes at his deflection and grimaced down at the bulge in my pants, begging for it to go down. If only I could use my persuasion on it.
With our food finished, Lewis took his turn. The last bet was for him to steal someone’s wallet and return it without them noticing. If he didn’t succeed, his consequence, courtesy of Jinx, was to drink an entire ketchup bottle.