Page 52 of Shiny Things
“Twenty, I’m afraid. And that’s just what we’ve confirmed.”
“All ravens?” Reese inquired.
“Aye. All ravens. Much of the British Congress has been wiped out, and I have a team deployed to investigate.”
“The British?” Malachai asked. “So that’s not really a threat to us at all then.”
“I wish it were that simple. I have it under good authority that Ravenden has been compromised in a plea bargain with one of the captives.”
Murmurs broke out around the room as everyone started talking at once. I felt sick to my stomach. I had a mate to protect now, and hearing that she could be in danger was sending my raven into psychotic mode. After this meeting, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to let Kim out of my sight for a while, and I had no doubt that would go over poorly.
She didn’t seem to really appreciate it when I started getting overbearing with her. Maybe that would change some now. But in the past, if I even showed interest in her in public, she’d scold me for it.
None of that mattered now. She was mine. And there was no way in hell these assholes were taking her.
“How much time do we have?” my father finally asked.
“Honestly sir, we don’t know,” Silas Granger said.
I had first met Silas in California, in San Marco where the Westin Pack wolves were under attack and begging for help. At the time the ravens weren’t exactly allies with them and felt it necessary to keep to ourselves. Under Gia’s persistence, my brothers and I followed her and David there to ensure they were safe. We’d come out victorious that day, and upon our return we were able to begin cultivating a relationship with the wolves and Westin Force, the special ops unit assigned to protect shifters around the globe.
I’d gotten to know several of the men on the teams. It was ultimately what started me down the path towards my job today. Well, that and my need to prove myself worthy for my mate. As much as I hated it, my parents constant harping on living up to the Davenport name and being a respectable member of the Congress had finally won with the culmination of all these factors.
“Silas, what’s the plan?” I asked him.
“We have a team on standby at your request. I know in the past you’ve opted to handle things on your own, in which case we’ll simply advise and pass along any information we have on Ravenden. But should you want more assistance with this matter, we’re at the ready.”
“Like Silas has said, I do have a team on standby. No pressure. Just say the word day or night and we’ll move them into position to patrol your borders,” Patrick explained.
Clarence and Diddy sat quietly as they took in everything that was being said. I hated that this was their first meeting with the Congress Council. Way to throw them to the wolves.
I snorted at my own joke.
From the looks on the faces of some of the others, I was certain they would turn down the offer and say we’d handle it ourselves.
“Malachai, before you make a hasty decision, I think we should break to give time for everyone to consider our options then reconvene to discuss. This is a lot to absorb,” Dad surprised me by saying.
“Like I said, we’re here in whatever capacity you’d like.”
Clarence cleared his throat. “What would you do if we accepted the offer? I’m sorry. I’m new to this group, so coming in cold with little idea of what we’re talking about.”
“Patrick, Silas, this is Clarence Grimes and Diddy Pierce is next to him, our newest Council members,” Dad explained. “I’m afraid we didn’t have any time to brief them ahead of this meeting.”
“No worries,” Patrick said. “I’m sure you’re familiar with the Collector. As I understand it, he’s been a bit of a myth in raven legends, but I assure you, he’s very real. Or rather, they are. There is more than one Collector. In fact, there’s an entire worldwide network of Collectors that like to trade and collectshifter witches. As you know, that puts a target on all raven shifters. A Congress the size of yours with at least seven Flocks is like hitting the jackpot for these guys.”
“Lately it was discovered that not all the Collectors are just trading and acquiring new witches to brag about. We recently rescued a group from the Collection of Xavier Fortin out of Napa Valley here in California. He doesn’t collect witches the way others do. This one is pure evil on a righteous mission to rid the earth of witches,” Silas explained. “We’ve cleaned out his latest acquisitions and have spread the word about his lack of respect to his collection. That’s seriously frowned upon by the other Collectors. It hasn’t entirely blacklisted him but has slowed his ability to restock his collection and kill more witches.”
Clarence slowly let out the breath he was holding. “Okay. So if they know our location, what should we expect?”
“Be cautious of any new people traveling through your little town. They are humans. They are rich. And they will stop at nothing to get what they want,” Patrick warned.
“No offense, but Ravenden right now looks like an easy target ripe for the picking. With the skills you guys have, it’s sure to excite and attract plenty too,” Silas added.
“Like a kid in a fecking candy store,” Patrick growled, shaking his head. “They will try to be discreet about it, so make sure each of your Flocks know not to be wandering around alone for the unforeseeable future. As all ravens know, you are stronger in numbers. They have no idea how powerful the Congress is when you come together as one.”
“And if you’d like us to assist, we would send in our best unit, Bravo team, which is run under my command,” Silas confessed. “My men would run perimeter checks multiple times throughout the day and set up surveillance to monitor traffic through the town and keep an eye on any outsiders that lurk in the area. I honestly don’t know if you have the resources andmanpower for that, but we would be happy to set things up and teach a team of your choosing what to look out for. This is something we’re looking to tie us up long term. We’re more of a train and get out unit when it comes to things like this.”
“Should you require longer term protection, we would likely reassign Charlie team for that. Like I said, you have options, and the ball is in your court. We’re only here to help,” Patrick assured them. “Are there any further questions?” He paused a minute, waiting and finding no one else spoke up. “Okay, well, in that case, we’re going to end this call. Most of you have my personal number and know how to reach out. We’ll await your decision for our next move.”