Page 56 of Shiny Things
He gave me the creeps, but I smiled because it was my job.
Joe Montgomery was a slick, arrogant asshole who thought the world of himself. He was as sleazy as they come. The fact that he was a used car salesman made it even more comical. I supposed there was always at least some truth behind every stereotype.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Yeah, how about a blowjob? I heard you were putting out these days.”
My jaw dropped, and my instinct was to smack him.
“Come on. What do you say?”
I could smell the liquor on his breath and his words were slightly slurred, but something in his eyes told me he was dead serious.
“No thanks.”
“That’s how it’s going to be? You only put out for the high and mighty Davenports? I guess you prefer men you can never have. Commitment issues perhaps?”
My entire body was shaking in anger, and I wanted to puke.
“Is everything okay here?” David asked.
“Yeah, great. She’s doing a fantastic job, right Kim?”
“It’s fine, David. I think he’s just had a bit too much to drink.”
“So it’s gonna be like that, you little Grimes trash? I’m a Montgomery. You should be grateful I even look in your direction.”
I sucked in a sharp breath, willing my temper not to flare.
“It’s going to be like that,” I told him.
“Walk away and take a break,” David told me.
I did as I was told as David made a phone call. Within minutes, while I was still on break, a cop car rolled up and Vance Thornton found David for a conversation. As discreetly as possible, the two men removed Joe from the party and helped him into the back of Vance’s car.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Gia asked.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it. David handled it. The joys of an open bar.”
I tried to make light of it, but the whole scenario made me sick. I just wanted this night to end so I could go home, curl up under my blanket, and cry myself to sleep.
Gia looked worried, but she didn’t say anything more.
I forced myself to get back to work and was grateful when there were no further issues.
Overall, the party had been a big success. The bride and groom were thrilled with everything we’d done, and I went home that night with a big fat tip.
“Go on, we’ll finish up here,” David insisted.
“No, I can’t do that to you guys.”
“Of course you can. There’s barely anything left,” Gia said, giving me a hug and thanking me for everything. “Go homeand get some sleep. Because we have to get up and do it all over again tomorrow for my Aunt Ginny’s garden party.”
I nodded. “Okay.”
I hated those parties, but the money was too good to turn it down. Remembering how I’d stood on the sidelines watching Felicity Dean hang all over Elias at the last one made me sick to my stomach. It was just going to be another sharp reminder of how I didn’t belong in his world.