Page 76 of Shiny Things
“So let them talk.”
“What will Felicity think? That poor girl.”
I scoffed. “Felicity isn’t any more interested in me than I am in her. We only hang out at parties when you or her mother try to push us together. There is nothing going on there. Plus, she already knows and unlike you, she’s happy for me.”
“Elias, that’s enough,” Dad warned. “Give your mother time to adjust to the idea.”
“There’s no idea. It’s a fact. I have a mate. Her name is Kim Grimes. Soon to be Kimberly Grimes Davenport. If I had it my way we’d already have sealed our bond.”
“Like she’d turn that down,” Mom said under her breath.
“Yeah, Mom, she did, numerous times.”
“But why?”
“Why?” I yelled. “Because of this. Because of you. I told her everything would be fine, that you may be shocked and even a little disappointed at first, but that you loved your children and just wanted to see us happy, so you’d come around. She won’t let me mark her because family is just as important to her as it is to us. She won’t let me mark her because she’s been terrified of you.”
That shut her up this time as the truth of my words began to sink in.
“It’s true,” Gia said. “She didn’t even want their birds to meet because she was afraid he was right and they were true mates. She doesn’t think you’ll ever accept her.”
“Yeah, that’s basically what she told me too,” Ryan admitted.
“Well now you’re all just making me out to be the villain.”
“If the evil shoe fits,” Dean told her with a shrug.
“Look, I’m sorry you’re so disappointed. And I’m sorry I cornered you like this. But I’m not going to apologize for loving her. She is the most important thing in the world to me. My job is to protect her, and I basically held her hand and walked her right into the lioness’s den. That isn’t sitting well with me or my raven. So we can talk about this later, if you want. But right now, I need to find Kim and apologize to her. And hope to God she’ll forgive me.”
Mom huffed. “Give me until tomorrow to let it all sink in, and then bring her by for dinner. I hear you, and I’ll try, but that’s all I can promise.”
When I rose, I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thanks.”
Walking out the front door, I saw Kim’s clothes in a neat pile. I scooped them up and stored them in the locker on my bike, then I jumped on and rode to her house.
Before I got there, I rode into a mass of people standing in the road. I honked, but they didn’t even seem to notice. In the midst of it all I saw Felicity and waved her over.
“What’s going on?”
“There was an attack. Someone was giving a warning call and then was shot out of the sky. They’re saying it was the Collector. Tell me it’s all just a big joke, Elias.”
“Have you seen Kim?”
I quickly called her phone, but it rang from the back of my bike.
I started honking and screaming at people to get out of my way. I was losing it and could feel my feathers starting to pop off my arms. I wasn’t going to settle until I knew she was safe.
As soon as I was clear of the crowd, I called Dad.
“The Collector’s here. There was a sighting. He attacked one of us, but no one knows who. I’m heading to Kim’s. I have to find her. Dad, I’m afraid I’m losing it. It can’t have been her, right? It just can’t.”
“Calm down. We’re on our way.”