Page 12 of His Wild Mate
“You've got my back?”
He laid down and grabbed the weapon.
“I've got your back.”
I hated knowing he was sighted in on my mate. My freaking mate, the malnourished she-wolf in heat who had attacked Brady. This was bad, really,reallybad.
I purposefully walked between Will and the girl even knowing I was screwing up his target. There was this driving need within me screaming to protect her.
When I got about ten feet from her, I dropped to my knees and held my hands out to my sides, palms facing her.
She eyed me suspiciously and then I saw the recognition in her eyes and she started to turn and run.
“Don't leave,” I begged. “I don't know where you're from or what you've been through, but I'm here now. I found you, and I want to help. Please, let me help you. No one is going to hurt you. I'll make damn sure of that.”
She turned back and stared at me curiously.
“I will protect you.”
She shook her head.
“I swear to you, no one will hurt you. No one will touch you. Not even me. You have my word on that. My word, as your mate.”
Recognition flared in her gray eyes and she took a step back.
“I know who you are to me, and I know that you know who I am to you. You don't need to be afraid anymore. The men you attacked earlier are going to be okay.”
She lowered her head, and I couldn't tell if it was in embarrassment or acknowledgement. But then slowly, she stepped forward.
“It's going to be okay,” I assured her.
I heard the click of the gun as Will racked the slide into place readying to take his shot. I whipped around quickly and waved him off.
“No!” I screamed.
He started to lower it, but then she moved quickly in front of me to shield me from the threat. My heart lurched when I realized she was trying to protect me.
“Stay back. He won't hurt me,” I told her.
When I went to push her out harm's way, my hand brushed against her matted fur and awareness shot straight through me.
She froze.
“Did you feel that too?”
Slowly, she nodded.
My fear of her being feral was fading. She may have lived in the wild for quite some time, judging by her condition, but she was still in there somewhere. I was certain of it.
“Do not attack the kid. Please. I'm taking you home now. I don't know how much you can understand, but you're in Collier Pack territory.”
Her head jerked up to look at me.
“Relax. It's okay. I promised not to let anyone hurt you, and I mean it. Our horses are nearby, but they aren't too keen on being around you in this state. You okay with walking back? We'll have to stop and camp for the night.”
She was still skittish, but still she followed me.
When we got to Will, she quirked her head to the side and studied him.