Page 16 of His Wild Mate
“You can trust me, Emmett.”
I whimpered when he started to leave, and he knelt down before me but didn't make a move to touch me. Strangely, I wanted him to.
Throughout my life I'd had so many terrible experiences with people and touch that it usually repulsed me, but for some reason, I was drawn to him. I wanted to be near him.
Something propelled me forward and I rubbed my body against him. It sent an electrifying shockwave through my body, making me jerk back.
“It’s okay. I felt it too,” he said calmly. “And don’t worry. This is Will and he’s going to look after you. No one will hurt youhere. I trust him and you should too. I won’t be long. Just gonna round up some fresh meat for us.”
I nodded my head so he knew I understood. I didn’t like it, but I understood. I hated killing innocent animals for food, which was ironic given the body count that haunted my every dream.
With a smile, Emmett rose and then took off his clothes.
I should have looked away or turned my back on him and given him privacy or something. But I just stood there, staring.
He watched me curiously as he dropped his pants. My tail began to wag.
I'd never seen a more perfect man. And I had never wanted to shift into my skin and explore these feelings he was causing more, but I liked him, and it would only lead to death. It always led to death.
My cycle was coming to an end, and he probably wasn't feeling the full impact of my siren’s call, but if I stayed until next month, he'd know, and he wouldn't be able to stop himself from coming to me, from trying to take advantage of me like all the others before him.
My wolf growled at the thought, but since no one reacted to it, I realized it was just in my head. That meant my wolf was growling at me. I could feel her need to protect this guy. It was all new and a little unsettling.
Emmett winked at me, and I realized I was staring at him, and he was naked. Then suddenly he shifted, and a large gray wolf stood before me. He was magnificent and made my knees wobble. I'd never seen anything like him before.
And then in the blink of an eye, he was gone.
The sun was just starting to set, and it took everything within me not to follow him.
“He'll be fast. He's a good hunter from what I've heard.”
Will gathered up some logs and set them in the fire pit. It was clear this was a place they used frequently. There was even a hole in the ground with a secret lid that he lifted and pulled out matches.
My jaw dropped. They had everything here.
I looked around expecting to see a stream or something nearby, but instead, he lifted up another secret door in the ground and pulled out a bucket of water. Then he went back to the first hole and dug out a pot.
Once the fire was started, he poured some water into the pot and started boiling it.
I watched him curiously.
“I know. It's just rainwater. The guys say it's fine to cook with and even drink, but I don't trust it.”
Once he had boiled it, he set it away from the heat to cool.
“I've got my bag and everything I need with me because I'd just come back in from the range after, well, you know, the attack. But Emmett ran after you halfcocked and not thinking. We don't usually need these things out here, they're just for emergencies should we unexpectedly find ourselves out here. I never understood how anyone could just unexpectedly be out here, but I get it now. When emergencies strike, they just go without always thinking through the logistics of a night out here. And they can always hunt. I'm a pretty good trapper at least. I could show you how sometime if you want. You're really skinny and look like you could use a few lessons in gathering food.”
I groaned. On the one hand, it was nice that he was willing to talk to me. Few people ever had. But on the other hand, it would be nice to have some peace and quiet.
This area had drawn me in for a reason, and it wasn't just Emmett, though I couldn't help but wonder if that played some part in why I'd come this way.
I laid down next to the fire and looked up at the sky. The sun was almost down, and the stars were shining bright.
Will seemed to understand.
“It's really beautiful out here, huh?”
Yes, it is,I thought.