Page 35 of His Wild Mate
I looked at the closet and sighed.
“Can you come out? I'd like for you to meet someone.”
Very slowly, Paige crept out of the closest in her wolf form.
“Hi,” Willow said shyly.
“Willow, this is Paige. Paige, Willow.”
My mate nodded her head toward the child.
“I'm reading a new book. Could I read aloud to you?”
Paige retreated to the closest and then yipped.
I grinned. “I think that means she'd love to hear you read, squirt.”
Willow beamed up at me.
“She'll be okay, Uncle Em. Mama and Cammie won't let anything happen to her, and I'll keep her company till you get home.”
I hugged her. “Thanks.”
I stepped into the closet and knelt down. My hand reached out to stroke her fur but stopped just short of touching her.
I frowned, but she leaned into my open palm and closed the invisible barrier between us. She rubbed against my hand, bringing us both comfort.
“I'll be back as soon as I can. Lily and the other girls are in the living room.”
Willow crept in behind me holding her book. I stepped back to watch her snuggle up next to Paige and open her book.
Quietly, I left the closet and forced myself to leave the house. Those simple steps were the hardest thing I'd ever done in my entire life.
Chapter 10
I had to admit, it was nice to have a little company. Willow was a fantastic reader and entertained me with a fantastic story about a mermaid named Ariel.
“Lunch is ready,” Lily yelled through the house.
“Are you hungry?”
Hungry? I'd eaten a week's worth of rations for breakfast. I couldn't imagine eating again today. But then the smell of something wonderful had my stomach growling.
Willow grinned. She was missing one of her bottom teeth.
“Come on Paige. I think Mama made stew.”
Hesitantly, I got up, stretched, and followed her out of the closest. But at the bedroom door I stalled. My heart raced with apprehension as I peered into the room to find two more young girls sitting at the table with Lily dishing out bowls of stew to each of them.
“How's she doing?” Lily asked her daughter.
“Great. I love Paige. She's a really good listener. And I think she likes my story too.”
One of the girls looked over my way and gasped.
“She's a wolf.”