Page 72 of His Wild Mate
“There's a few blind spots, but for the most part, yes. And they will not be able to get close to the house without the alarm going off. If there is any movement within a certain perimeter of the house, it will alert you both. Unfortunately, that could be just an animal wandering through, but right now I thought you'd rather be safe than sorry. It's configured to the highest sensitivity possible. No one is getting near this house without you knowing it.”
“Thanks, James. This is great.”
I looked down at one of the small cameras, seeing something move along the tree line.
“What's that?” I asked.
“What's what?” James asked.
I pointed to the small picture at the bottom.
“Just click on it to enlarge,” he instructed, but I didn't know what that meant.
“Which one?” Emmett asked.
I pointed to it, but when I touched it, the image became bigger.
My mate grinned at me. “That's what he meant by click on it.”
“Oh.” I studied the picture more closely. There was a pile of something by the woods. “What's that? I swear I saw something move by it a minute ago.”
The two men stared at each other for second and then took off running out the door.
I followed them cautiously.
“Sonofabitch! He was right here,” James said.
My stomach churned when I saw that a large stack of dead rabbits was what I'd been pointing to.
“What the hell is going on?” Emmett growled out in frustration.
“Why would some leave a pile of dead rabbits in the yard?” I asked.
They both looked at each like they were silently speaking.
“I think we have a serious stalker on our hands. My guess, he's after you,” James told me.
“He can't have more than a few minutes lead on us. Maybe we can pick up his trail,” Emmett suggested as he took off running into the woods. James followed.
My chest tightened and I felt like I was going to throw up. I found my mate. Things were supposed to be different now. Why wasn't it changing? Why wasn't I cured? This should not still be happening.
I knew I could track the guy, but I was terrified of what would happen if I did. I didn't want to kill again, but I knew in my heart that it would come to that. Because of that, I didn't follow them. Instead, I went back into the house.
“Where's Emmett and James?” Ernest asked.
“There was another incident. Looks like my stalker was here. They went after him.”
“That's good. Hopefully they'll catch him this time. The sooner the better. I don't like the thought of someone out there trying to get to you.”
I sighed. “It happens more than I'd like to admit.”
He growled protectively.
Ernest appeared to be a quiet, easy-going man, but in that moment, I knew I never wanted to be on his bad side. He had the deep desire to keep those close to him safe, just like his son. Somehow, I knew that now included me too.
“You seem like a good girl, Paige. And it's clear that my son is crazy about you. That doesn't just come from a scent or even a mating call.”
“I'm not so sure about that,” I admitted.