Page 3 of Go Lightly
Stuart Parkes
I just realised I sound like a weird fan creep in my message. I was in Edinburgh doing a play with some uni mates, not just watching shows. I hope that makes it better! It shouldn’t though, our play was shit.
Stuart Parkes
OK if I were you I would ignore the previous messages because they literally don’t say anything or ask you anything ha fuck. OK you can ignore this one too but I’m really hungover and I’m leaving the city tomorrow and you probably are too so this might be my last chance to do this. Are you going back to Australia? That’s your accent, right? I was pretty drunk during your set so if you’re a Kiwi don’t be mad. I live in Liverpool but if you heard me speak you’d know that. Fuuuuck ok so I know this is fucking weird but I would really like to buy you a drink or sit next to you while we drink drinks we’ve bought ourselves? I swear I don’t just go to shows and then stalk hot singers (actors?) afterwards. Are you a comedian? Your act was kind of cabaret I guess. See I don’t know so you know I haven’t been googling you or whatever. I looked you up on Facebook and we have 8 mutual friends weirdly so ask them if I’m a psycho before replying. I mean don’t ask Lee lol but any of the others. So would you like to go for a drink?
Stuart Parkes
I haven’t done anything to Lee he’s just a prick, you can ask him if you want, I was joking
Stuart Parkes