Page 29 of Spring Rains
Fox nodded; thoughtful. “Do you think George did the right thing at the end of the book?”
I paused, considering. “It’s a tough question. In one way, George was trying to protect Lennie from a worse fate. The hardest decisions are about protecting the ones we care about, even if it hurts us.”
“Like Dad did my papa,” Fox murmured, and I blinked at him.
“Not now, Fox,” Noah warned with a smile, although there was an underlying tone of something that put me on edge, not to mention Fox’s eyes narrowed. I got the sense that this was a familiar discussion between the two of them.
“Well, it’s true. You made the choice to stay with Papa because of me, and he hurt you a lot.”
“Fox, please.” He shot me a worried look as if I was going to ask Fox questions, but I could read the room. Only, my chest tightened. Noah’s ex had hurt him. In what way? Had he laid his hands on Noah? Is that why Noah wanted to take things slowly with me? Maybe to see if he could trust me? I saw his and Fox’s silent conversation, and Fox backed down after a while, as Noah attempted to change the subject.
The conversation drifted between the book, school, and life in general. I found myself relaxing, the earlier angsty moment fading into a more comfortable evening, which wound down to Fox heading to his games room, and me helping Noah to clean up.
Or rather, staying out of his way as he cleaned up becauseapparentlythis was his domain, and I wasn’t allowed in.
“I should go,” I said, when the clock showed eight. “You probably have things to do?”
Please ask me to stay a bit longer.
Noah cleared his throat. “Well, I’ve been experimenting with buttercream variations. I need an honest opinion. You up for some taste-testing?”
Yes! He’s not saying he wants me to go.“Absolutely.”
He pulled out a tray of frosted cupcakes, each beautifully decorated, and pointed to each cupcake in turn. “First, classic vanilla with a twist of lemon zest. Second, raspberry and white chocolate. And the last one might look likejustchocolate, but it’s my wildcard—I’ll tell you what’s in it after you try it.”
“Okay, I’m going in.” I selected the vanilla-lemon cupcake first, its frosting swirled to perfection. As I took a bite, the flavors exploded in my mouth—the rich sweetness of vanilla and fresh, zesty lemon. “This is incredible, Noah.” I looked up to catch his gaze. He was staring at my mouth, and when our eyes locked, there was a hint of shock, or was it something more? Desire, perhaps? I couldn’t be sure, but since I’d walked in, there was a tension within me, hard to ignore, and I wondered if he felt the same way. “Next one?” I asked, trying to sound casual. He nodded.
Next was the raspberry and white chocolate, and it seemed unremarkable at first glance, the buttercream pale and piled high. I bit into it, and a fusion of sweet and tangy flavors greeted me. “Oh my god!” I muttered with a mouthful of sweetness, and his smile grew wider. I wanted to finish it all, but come on, there was a chocolate one just waiting for me.
Finally, I reached for the chocolate cupcake, expecting a simple flavor. “Chocolate is my favorite,” I admitted. “Expect me to be biased.” As I bit into it, the rich, smooth chocolate was spot-on, but then, there was a subtle, unexpected heat. Chili? The combination was something I’d seen done, but never tasted in a cupcake, and it was delicious. “Wow,” I said, “this is something else. Chili, right?”
Noah nodded. “I was trying for something unusual, and I thought I could go for something that wasn’t just vanilla.”
“Can’t we all,” I deadpanned, and his eyes widened. “In cupcakes,” I qualified.
He nodded as if that wasexactlywhat he thought I meant. Which I had, but seeing him dip his head and smile—well, that made me think of him in the bedroom, and him and me kissing, and hugging, and then, getting each other off, and then, me sliding inside and…
“So, they were all at least okay?” he interrupted my heated thoughts.
I swallowed hard. “Amazing.” I pulled myself back to his creativity. “Stir fry, hot chocolate, cupcakes? You’ve got serious skills, Noah.”
We shared a look, one of those moments where words were unnecessary. It was more than cupcakes and flavors; it was about sharing a piece of himself, and me being there to appreciate it; and we fell into another kiss that blew my mind. What would it be like to deepen those kisses, for me to trace my attraction in kisses all over his body?
He pulled back and was smiling so hard it was infectious. Then, he cleared his throat, “I rarely make cupcakes, but… yeah…” He flushed, and I leaned in for another kiss, only Fox clattering down the stairs, drawn by the siren call of cupcakes, made me stop.
“Did someone say cupcakes? Can I have one?”
“Tiny bits,” Noah said, sliding a small plate with bite-sized pieces towards him. “Let’s see if you agree with Chris’s expert opinion.”
As Fox dove into the taste test with true teenage enthusiasm, we compared notes. We laughed when he tried to guess the mystery cupcake, and all too soon, it was time for Fox to head up to bed, which he did, but not without whining.
And when I wheeled myself out of the diner, without even getting a gentle kiss goodnight, fumbling over me getting out of the door and trying to stop the flurry of snow from coming in, I felt like whining as well.
I really didn’t want to go.