Page 73 of Spring Rains
Chris chuckled, picking up on my teasing tone. “Yeah, he played a big part in my long-ass journey up to finding and falling in love with you. So, I owe him a lot.”
I smiled, my initial twinge of jealousy fading away. “Well, if he ever comes back to Whisper Ridge and into the diner, I’ll have to offer him a free meal. For opening your eyes.”
Chris laughed, the sound filling the quiet space between us. “I’m sure he’d appreciate that.”
I might not have stayedthe night, because I respected Noah and Fox, but something had shifted between me and Noah today. Maybe it had something to do with Fox’s quiet acceptance, or the way Noah had taken care of me with the soup, or hell, it could just be the wound-up parts of me easing, but a week later, with thegoodPastor remanded and refused bail—gotta love a local judge—my next visit to my therapist was less angsty about the past, and more focused on pulling together the threads of a life I really wanted. I started by explaining about McKenna and how I’d felt when he’d stormed in and threatened me and his own son.
“I stood up to him, put myself between him and the kids, and I know, if it had gone on, maybe, he would have gotten past me…” I paused and threw her a rueful smile. “Iknowhe would have gotten past me, but I delayed him reaching his son, and it felt good.”
I nodded because that was a word I’d never thought would apply to me, but yeah, that was how I felt. “I understand there will always be things I can’t do, but I know that no matter how capable I feel, or don’t feel, I’m me.” I scratched my knee. “Christ, did that make any sense at all?”
“Of course.”
“And I’m okay. Better than okay.”
Susan smiled then. “You’re a survivor, Chris, and that’s something to be proud of.”
“I think maybe I don’t need another appointment,” I said with caution because I’d become used to PTs and counselors, and anyone else around me, warning me I still had a long way to go.
“I agree.” She smiled. Had I heard right? “Stay present, be aware of what you’re feeling, and if your thoughts spiral, and you feel you need to talk, then you know what to do and where I am.”
“Thank you.” I let the brakes off the chair—I was far too sore to stand or use crutches, although Daniel had given me his best medical opinion by telling me to take my damn meds and suck it up, until the muscles above my stump and around my other knee healed. He’d known that I needed the straight talk, but did I really need the tussle we’d had afterward? My siblings were all assholes. Well, apart from Michelle. Oh, and Mark. So yeah, mostly just Daniel and Scott then.
“Goodbye, Chris.”
I wheeled out of there, headed to the car, and gave the biggest grin when Daniel gave me a stupid thumbs up. He’d had to drive me over because… pain… and he’d teased and tormented me the entire way about buying a Superman cape for my new heroic status in town. Whatever.
“Head examined, okay?” he asked as he helped me into the car.
“Fuck you,” I fake-snarled.
“That’s my husband’s job,” he said.
I made a show of covering my ears. “I do not want to hear about you and Micah going at it.”
“Are you sure? It’s kind of hot being happy with my man.” He smiled and narrowly avoided my swipe at his head.
The drive with Daniel was filled with the comfortable silence only shared by siblings who’d grown up together. It left me plenty of time to think about Noah and Fox, and wondering what kind of life we could all have together if we tried.
“Talking of that…” Daniel pulled me out of my daydreams of how we might convert their small apartment for me, or whether it was more practical for them to live at my place if things went on as they’d started.
“Talking of what?”
“Me and Micah being happy,” Daniel reminded me.
“What about it?”
“You and Noah?” That was a question full of meaning and hidden agendas, and I was sure I’d be getting a lecture about safe sex if I let him. Big brothers suck, big brothers who are also doctors suck even worse.
“We’re good. Better than good. I’m um…” I stumbled over the words, struggling to explain what I felt. How did I explain that Noah and Fox filled a void in my life I hadn’t even known existed? That they’d become an integral part of my world in a way I never expected?
“You fell in love,” Daniel finished for me, his voice soft, but certain.