Page 10 of Angelica
“What’s more, Angelica, this would be a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to progress within the company, or even wanting to move to one of the big six ad agencies in the next twelve months. These accounts would be the ultimate string to your bow of accomplishments. No one would be able to overlook these accolades when thinking about promoting or bringing in new partners.”
I try to wrap my head around everything that Mr Mortimer has just told me, but it feels like too much to process all at once. The idea of working alongside Lycus – the one person who seems to bring out the worst in me – is enough to make me want to decline the offer altogether. But the opportunity to work on such high-profile accounts and make a name for myself within the industry is too tempting to pass up.
I take a deep breath and look Mr Mortimer in the eye.
“I’ll do it,” I say, my voice steady, despite the nerves that are churning inside of me.
Mr Mortimer’s smile widens. “Excellent. I knew I could count on you, Angelica.”
“But…” I hesitate, not sure if I should voice my concerns. “What if Lycus doesn’t want to work with me?”
Mr Mortimer shrugs. “That’s not a decision for him to make. The client has specifically requested the two of you, and I expect that he’ll be professional enough to put his personal feelings aside and work towards the success of the project.”
I nod, still feeling uneasy about the whole situation, but determined to make it work. “Okay. When do we start?”
“Monday. You and Lycus will be meeting with the client again to go over the particulars of the project in more detail and get started on the work. In the meantime, start thinking about how you can work together and make this a success. I’ll be arranging for the two of you to share an office for the duration of your assignment for this client, which should be around six to eight months, depending on how everything goes. I think being in close proximity with one another will really help get those creative juices flowing.”
I stand up from the chair, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. This is a huge opportunity, but also a massive challenge. I’ll need to put aside my differences with Lycus and find a way to work together effectively…in a small space.
Lord help me.
That means absolutely no late night sessions with the Supernova, imagining green eyes with a rugged jawline and a mellifluous Italian accent whispering commands and praise in my ear.
As I leave Mr Mortimer’s office, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds for me and this project, but I’m determined to give it my all and make it a success, so long as I can keep Lycus at arm’s length during work, and out of my fantasies at home.
As the day goes on though, that proves nigh on impossible. He’s not eveninwork today and yet my thoughts keep drifting back to him, and I find myself getting increasingly annoyed with myself. And him.
How fucking immature to call in sick just so he didn’t have to face me! I mean, sure, Iconsidereddoing the same, but thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things. If anyone was going to run and hide, it would be me.Iwas the one who got rejected, dumped and left high and dry.
What a jerk.
If Iever, in a moment of weakness before, wondered if I had been too hasty in my judgement, in my dislike of him, his actions last night and today just prove that I was right in hating him all along.
Working with him on not one, but two, long term projects is going to be an absolute nightmare. But I guess it would have been a hell of a lot worse if we’d actually slept together. Still, if he was here today we could have an awkward conversation, admit we both made a mistake, draw a line under it and be done.
Now I’m not going to see him until Monday, when we’ll be thrown right in at the deep end with client meetings and briefs, and we’ll have to awkwardly dance around the elephant in the room, until we have time to clear the air.
I will not let one moment of madness with him ruin this opportunity for me. I’m in half a mind to take a leaf out of his book and turn up unannounced and uninvited at his place, just to have it out before then.
Obviously, I’d never do that. But still. The idea festers in my mind for the rest of the day as I get nothing done and watch the minutes on the clock tick down until leaving time.
The second five o’clock rolls around, I’m up out of my seat and racing out of there as fast as my legs will carry me. It’s been a day of firsts for me: first time being almost late for work; first time leaving on the dot; and first time I’ve achieved nothing I set out to do all day.
I don’t like it.
I don’t like it one bit. And it’s allhisfault. I need to get him out of my head, keep fantasies of him out of mybed,and I need to get wasted.
Home for cheese and too much wine it is then.
Mannaggia. I feel rough.
Groaning, I roll over and almost empty my stomach contents – if there’s anything left in there – all over the floor of the bathroom. Which is where I slept last night. Well, if you call the short agony-filled dozes between violent bouts on the toiletsleeping.
My head is pounding too.