Page 12 of Angelica
I stare at my phone, trying to figure out what to say next. Part of me wants to ask her what she meant by that, but I know that would be too forward. Instead, I decide to play it cool and just keep the conversation going.
It was still probably not the best idea. In my defence I had been drinking. But I appreciate you not kicking me in the balls for what I did.
There’s a pause before she replies.
You won’t get a free pass again. And I want another fucking pizza.
Is she demanding a date? I’ll take her for all the pizza she can eat if it means spending more time in her company. My phone buzzes again and her message floors me.
I’ll probably regret sending this, but…I didn’t want you to leave. I understand if you regret it.
Regret it? Hell no. If anything, I regret not being able to finish what we started. But I can’t say that to her, not yet. Instead, I write back:
I don’t regret it. At all. I just don’t want things to be weird between us at work.
Her response is almost instant.
Don’t worry on that account. Things are about to get a whole lot weirder at work anyway. It’s probably for the best that last night didn’t go any further in light of the new project.
What is she talking about? I furrow my brow at her message, confused. New project? What new project? Before I can ask her for clarification, another message pops up on my phone from her.
Not sure how I feel about us working so closely together…and in the same office!
Okay, clearly I’ve missed something big here, and I need to check my emails as soon as my head stops throbbing. But her message makes my heart soar and then sink at the thought of being so close to her, but unable to act on my feelings. I take a deep breath and try to push my frustrations aside. I respond, hoping that my words come across as nonchalant.
Well, I guess we’ll have to be professional and get the job done.
Yeah. Professional. Shouldn’t be hard. Right?
There’s something in the way she types that word that makes me think she’s not entirely convinced we can keep things strictly professional. And honestly? Neither am I.
Picking up my phone one last time, I type my one-word reply, disappointment sitting heavy in my stomach.
Note to self: eat more cheese, drink less wine. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t drunk text your work crush-enemy –crenemy?– late on the weekend.
I groan when I see the conversation between Lycus and I that took place last night and I absolutely one hundred percent blame running out of crackers for my demise. Can’t eat cheese without crackers, so I just drank the better portion of a bottle of wine. And then the entirety of a second.
Not my finest moment.
My head is pounding and I know there’s only one thing for it. A swim. I drag myself out of bed and into the shower. Yes, I’m going to get wet swimming, and yes, I will shower afterwards, but I feel too gross to go out in public as I am, even though I’m not technically even leaving my apartment block.
As I step out of the shower, I realise that I’m still feeling the effects of last night’s escapades. My head is still pounding and I can feel the wine sloshing around in my stomach. I’m going to need some food after my swim. I grab a towel and wrap it around me, taking a deep breath and trying to centre myself.