Page 51 of Abel
"My outs..." he rubs at his beard growth. "Too many tacos. Sorry Kara, but I've gained weight."
I nod. "I totally understand. I won't take it personally."
"Sitting on my couch all the time. I'm not getting any younger, and I need to keep my flexibility. And my final out is being in a relationship with Alexis."
Everyone gasps, and mouths are hanging open. Alexis looks like she's about to cry as she watches him get up.
"The reason it's an out," he continues as he takes something out of his pocket, and kneels before her, "Is I don't want her to be my girlfriend anymore. I want her to be my wife. Alexis Monroe, will you marry me?" He pushes what's in his hand toward her.
That concerned look on her face morphs into one of happiness and surprise. Tears immediately start as she nods. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you!"
Everyone whistles and claps. I glance over at Abel with a smartass grin on my face. "Hey, guess what?"
"What?" He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth.
"She really will be your mom now."
Barrett and Jasper make ohhh burn noises and start talking shit back and forth. But me? I look at my best friend and the man she's chosen to love, and I put my hand on my chest toward her. If anyone deserves this, it's Alexis, and I'm so happy she's getting it.
Gives me hope that all of us can find our happily ever afters. I'm pretty damn sure I've found mine.
"This is your childhood bedroom?" She asks as we lay in my old bed, looking up at the ceiling, which still sports glow-in-the-dark stars.
"Sure is." I roll over onto my side, pulling her closer so that we have a little more room. "This bed was so much bigger when I was younger."
"I'm sure it was, but here's a question. Did you ever have another girl in this bed with you? Back then, or now? Color me curious about what your game was."
"Oh my God," I groan, tucking the blanket under my arms. "I had zero game, like completely zero. The only thing I had going for me, was the fact I was an athlete, and all the girls had a crush on my dad. There has legitimately never been another woman in this bed besides you."
She grins, kissing my chin. "Do you know how special I feel knowing I'm the only one you've had in this bed? I feel like the two of us have been waiting for each other our whole lives. Not like we're old or we've been searching for a long time, but neither one of us had a serious relationship before the other. Now here we are."
I reach down, putting my pointer finger under her chin. "I know a couple of things about myself, and I knew them even when I was younger. Like when I found my person, it would hit me across the face and in the chest. Which is exactly what it did with you. I just knew the moment I met you that I wouldn't have to look for anyone else. You made my heart beat faster, my throat and chest tight, and you made me hard. There's a reason I ate tacos for about a year."
Her eyes flutter down to my mouth. "I thought about this mouth of yours so often during that year. I wanted to ask if you really liked tacos, because you came to the truck so often. After a couple of weeks, I found myself thinking about you more often, and I asked Alexis if you had a girlfriend because I didn't want to have a crush on someone who was unattainable. When she told me you were single, I flirted my ass off with you. I hoped one day you'd ask me out, because I didn't want to be the one to make the first move."
"Ha! Look how that turned out for you, babe. There's one thing you should've learned about me. It takes me a long time to take action. I have to make sure I'm not going to be rejected, make sure that I'm not going to be hurt in the process. That's my biggest fear. Probably left over from when Mom and Dad weren't on great terms. I have to know that I'm going to be the person someone expects me to be. You had to make that move, and most people would say they're sorry, but I'm not. Once I know you want me? I’m all in, and there's nothing that's going to stop me, I just need that little push. I thank God you kissed me every night."
She smiles softly, hooking her arms around my neck. "I'd kiss you again every time. It was the best decision I ever made. I'm just sorry it took me so long to make it."
"I'm not. We got to know each other over that year, even if it was just on the periphery of life. I got to see the type of person you are, and I'm not surprised at all when you do really cool stuff, like give my dad one of the best Christmas gifts he ever got. Or my mom a spa day to help her feel more like herself." I drop my tone. "Better yet, when you dress up in lingerie and let me fuck you in front of the Christmas tree we decorated together. I wouldn't change anything about how we got together, Kara. Even if it did take us longer than it should've."
Her body snuggles in next to mine. "I wouldn't either." A sexy little grin plays along the edges of her mouth. "How do you feel about ticking off a bucket-list item for me?"
Immediately, my body responds. "What's that?"
"I always wondered what it would be like to have to be quiet because a parent was in the next room while I was messing around with a high school boyfriend."
Challenge accepted.
"So, we're gonna have to be quiet," I tell her. "We can't let anyone know what we're doing in here. My Dad would get pissed." I play along with her fantasy.
"Okay, yeah. We have to be really quiet. I hope we can. Typically, we're pretty loud."
That we are, and I really don't wanna have to explain to my dad what's going on, or what went on in here. "Keep those moans to yourself, babe."