Page 2 of Twisted In Obsession
She is still mine.
And I won’t stop until I find her.
One year later…
“Lyra, I don’t want any more money from you. You pay me enough as it is.” Patty rolls her eyes, exhaling loudly in exasperation. We have had this conversation a couple times now and it’s always the same outcome.
I chuckle, shaking my head. No matter how much I insist on increasing what I pay her for the room I rent in her house, she always shuts me down. I lucked out when I met her six months ago and I know with absolute certainty that I would not have made it this far had Patty not come into my life.
After leaving New York, I ended up in Dale City, just outside Washington – though that only lasted a couple of months. Not only could I not shake the feeling of being watched – though in the end I think it was just my paranoia – but after learning some very unexpected news, Washington was not far enough away from New York, Nico and his father. I only had one option, so I moved on, eventually ending up in Charleston and meeting my saving grace. Patty.
I didn’t need to work, what with my savings from dancing at The Executive Club and the substantial amount of money Lorenzo had given me, so I wasn’t pinned down by a job and it was easy enough to move on. Though at the time, I felt dirty taking that bastard’s money, it has certainly made things easier. Especially when I found out I was pregnant.
Yes, pregnant.
Not three weeks after running from New York, I got sick. I thought it was from the stress of everything that had happened, but when I missed my period, deep down I knew it was more. Within the hour, I was at the closest drug store purchasing a pregnancy test which subsequently came back as I knew it would – Positive.
Those two pink lines stared back at me almost mockingly. Reminding me that I may have run away from Nico, but a part of him was growing inside of me and no matter how far I ran, or where I ended up, I would never get a chance to forget the man that turned my life upside down.
The irony of being pregnant wasn’t lost on me. It was cliché really. The side piece, carrying his baby. My head was telling me to find the nearest clinic and have it taken care of. But my heart? My heart whispered words of comfort and that everything would be okay. That my baby was meant to be and no matter what I learned about Nico, or what went down between us, I couldn’t get rid of the innocent life growing inside me. I would love this baby more than anything in the world. My little piece of heaven, who I would protect with my life. Even when I wanted to give up, succumb to the darkness, I would survive and live for my baby. There was no other way.
I glance down at the little bundle cradled in my arms, a smile curving my lips as pure adoration bursts inside me. Romeo, my four-month-old son, my world. I know with everything inside me that I made the right choice. I can’t imagine my life without him. His little fingers grip my pinkie and I smile wider. My heart expands with the feelings of absolute love I have for him. It is so profound it smothers me. He is without a doubt my life. And I know that all I have been through led me to this moment. To him. I was made to be his mom.
Glancing up at Patty, I remember I didn’t respond to her little outburst. Pinning her with a look, I sigh. “I don’t want you to think that I’m taking advantage of you. I am still paying the same rate as when I first got here and that was before I gave birth to Romeo. I am using extra electricity and water now that I have him.”
She grumbles something under her breath, waving me off. “Child, I won’t take any more money from you. I knew you were pregnant when I offered you a place to stay. Now enough about it, I don’t want to hear you mention it again.” Her eyes light up when they drop to Romeo. “Now hand me my boy. I haven’t had any cuddles today.”
I roll my eyes, handing him off to her. Patty is in her late fifties with no children of her own. She lost her husband three years ago and has been on her own ever since. I met her while heavily pregnant, looking for a job. I ended up in Patty’s, the diner she owns, and though she was unsure about giving me a job when I was not far off from giving birth, and without me having the proper paperwork, I managed to convince her. She thinks my name is Lyra, pays me in cash, doesn’t ask questions. If I am being honest, I know the only reason she took me on is because she took pity on me when I lied and told her that I’m on the run from an abusive ex-boyfriend. And though I wish I could tell her the truth, I can’t, so that is how it will stay. It’s safer that way. I am not naïve enough to think that Nico wouldn’t have the resources to find me if he wanted. Which is why I don’t use any of my real documents. I can’t leave a paper trail or anything that would risk him finding me…us. Panic surges through me just thinking about it, but I shake it away quickly.
I had only been waitressing at the diner for a couple days, when Patty found out that I was living in a nearby motel. It didn’t take her long to talk me into renting out her guest room. It was cheaper and safer than where I was staying. I know I won’t be with Patty forever, but for right now it works. For both of us.
“Do you want me to cover Tina’s shift tonight?” I ask, as I watch her coo over my son.
She shakes her head. “No, I already got it covered. Sheila’s gonna stay and lock up.”
My eyes narrow in on her. “I’ve got to go back sometime.”
Her head snaps up, gaze landing on me. “And you will. In fact, why don’t you start back at your normal shift Saturday.” She grins. “Harrison has been asking after you. I know he would like to see you.”
I blush at the mention of Harrison. Though I have no interest in men after everything with Nico, the construction worker with the kind and gentle brown eyes is the kind of man I always imagined myself ending up with when I ran from my family. An easy, uncomplicated, salt of the earth, blue collared man. Harrison understands my situation and knows that I’m not ready for anything serious, right now, though it hasn’t stopped him patiently pursuing me. Even after I gave birth to Romeo, he came to visit me in the hospital, loaded with gifts for me and my son. He has also visited me here, at home. I would like to believe he did that of his own accord, but something tells me Patty has everything to do with him coming here. I know she is pushing for us to happen. And though he dotes on both me and my son, I just…
“I’m not ready to date.” I tell her, shaking my head.
She shoots me a knowing look. “So you keep saying. I don’t know the full story, but from what you have told me, Romeo’s dad is terrifying enough that you had to run from him. Harrison is just the type of good man you need after being with someone like that. Sweet. Gentle. Patient. Caring. Someone that will take care of both of you. Give him a chance.”
I sigh, knowing full well there is no point arguing with her. Patty will not let this go and, I can begrudgingly admit, everything she says about him is exactly who he is. Harrison is all those things and more. And maybe it is time to move on. Make the life I always planned on living before Nico happened.
My stomach twists when I think about the man who stole my heart before breaking it into a million pieces. Shattering it in a way that it will never be whole again, no matter whether it’s Harrison or another good man that comes into my life next. I run a hand through my hair, exhaling tiredly.
I know what I should do.
I also know I’m just not ready.