Page 14 of Lost & Found
But I won’t shy away from who I am now solely because deep down, the stubbornness in me—compliments of being a Capricorn—wants to scream that he doesn’t deserve to know the real me. But then I’d be rewinding all the growth I had to go through from the time he left. And as much as I’d love to give Jax the cold shoulder and ignore him for the rest of my life, I worked too fucking hard on who I am today to do that to myself.
Besides, maybe he’ll realize what he missed out on after all these years.
“Well, it’s time to eat.” My mom’s voice sounds from behind me as her and my dad walk passed us like there isn't tension in the air.
And to my surprise, Delanie and her husband, Jeff, are already seated side by side on one side of the table. I didn’t even know they were here. Jax turns around after giving me a stupidly sexy smirk and takes a seat next to his mom.
Mama finishes laying the last of her home cooked breakfast items on the table and takes a seat next to my dad, who sits directly across from Jax’s parents.
The table sits six, but for some reason my mom brought out an extra chair. As I look at the seating arrangement, I notice that there are two empty chairs left. One across from Jax next to my dad, and one on the end of the table furthest from the side Jax is sitting at.
No brainer.
I start to walk over to the end of the table but before I have time to pull out the chair, someone reaches out almost frantically, pulling the chair away from the table and sliding in to take a seat. It reminded me of being kicked out of musical chairs.
“Not so fast, Holli Jolly. You can sit next to Action Jaxon.” I look down, confused as to what happened because the speed of which was not something I could compute on time.
But Kylan, Jax’s younger brother, chair jacked me and now I’m forced to sit across from the only person I was trying to avoid.
Everyone but Jax is oblivious to what just happened, and I swear I see him smirk at me, proud that I didn’t get my way.
I sigh internally and accept my fate.
Breakfast was surprisingly chill. My mom had looked over at me a few times throughout, obviously mentally checking in on me to see how I was doing with the whole thing. I kept my poker face on and didn’t talk unless I had to.
Jax didn’t try to push any sort of conversation with me despite the stares I could feel he had directed my way, which I ignored.
But mostly, everyone stayed quiet besides my parents and Delanie.
Now, everyone has started to clean up their plates as all the small talk has died down. I reach out for my own dish but for the first time since breakfast started, Jax speaks to me.
“I’ve got this.” His southern accent comes out in the slightest. Though it’s not as strong as it used to be.
I give him a simple glare because we both know what he’s doing, but I stay seated as he picks up my plate and walks off.
My mom and Delanie jump up to help him clear the rest of the table while his brother asks me a question.
“So, how are you and Liam, Hollis? I barely remember the guy, but I heard you two have been dating for a while.” I nearly choke as the question comes out.
I don’t think Kylan is intentionally trying to cause any drama. But Jax doesn’t seem to think so as he stops in his tracks, his back to the both of us and the air tightens around us. I wonder where he heard that I’m dating Liam, considering he’s been in the military for the last year.
But then it dawns on me, it had to have been Jaelynn. I know she’s had a crush on Kylan since high school and I can’t help but wonder if he’s who she had togo dolast night.
It doesn’t matter though, because my answer never comes. Before I have a chance to answer, a loud sound of glass shattering onto the kitchen floor brings everyone’s head swinging in that direction.
“Fuck, sorry.” Jax is looking at the plates he dropped. But to be honest, he doesn’t look all that shocked that broken glass lays scattered at his feet.
Instead, he looks…satisfied.
“Not a big deal,” my mom says as she rushes over for the broom.
Jax grabs it from her to clean up his mess; the mess he intentionally made to take the attention away from the question I was asked. Because he didn’t want to hear the answer.
The funny thing is, I’m stubborn and I want to see Jax squirm for some reason, so I decide to answer the question anyway.
“Liam and I are doing great. He’s a real gentleman, and we get along well.” I feel my mom’s heated stare burn on me as her face is painted in a look of utter confusion. “He’s already planning to take me out somewhere for my birthday,” I add, which is an absolute lie. Liam probably doesn’t even remember my birthday to be honest.