Page 2 of Lost & Found
And he smirks, reading the message and tossing his bottle of water over to his friend before getting up. That’s when everyone else in the circle starts to make cheering sounds. And everyonecoosandaweswhen I start to stand up. Jae gives me a hopeful glance and I try not to trip on my nerves.
This can only be pretend.
But boy, was I wrong.
“So, what exactly did you want to talk about?” I walk into the office of my boss, Callan.
I’ve been working for Callan for the last six years. When I applied for a job at his dealership, I didn’t really expect much other than a temporary position while I finished out school. Turns out, science and engineering weren’t really my forte, butpeoplewere. Business and sales are where I thrive.
His dad was the one who'd hired me, but only because my dad was a client of his, or at least I think. I don’t really think I would have gotten hired if he wasn’t.
But I did the job, and I did it right. In fact, I’ve been a top salesman for the last three years. I’ve made enough money to last me nearly the rest of my life if I live it right. Take that Kylan—Mr. Goodie-Two-Shoes, can’t do nothing wrong.
So, what started out as a temporary thing turned into something that I actually enjoyed and was good at. But all good things must come to an end.
“Well. I think it’s my time to leave, pal.” I sit down in the chair across from him. He's wearing one of his sharp black suits today, pretty much the same as me. Formal attire required for the types of cars we sell.
“Elaborate.” Callan’s voice is a mix of concern but also awareness. We both knew my time was up soon.
I run my tattooed hand through my blonde hair and take a deep breath. I hate to leave, but I have to. I promised my mom I’d return home after college. But college turned into not-college and then into a few more years after. So, it’s about time I keep my promise to her even though I have an ulterior motive. My mom and I haven’t really gotten along and there’s someone I’m dying to get back to.
“It’s been fun and all, but I think it’s time for me to head back home.” I lean back in the office chair, needing to relax because I’m kind of anxious for no real reason. I don’t really know why I’m worried about Callan and this company. It’s a multi-billion-dollar company and I’m sure he’ll be fine without me. But I know I’ll miss it and my nerves might be stemming from something else entirely.
“College about over?” Callan asks, and I chuckle because dang did I need that. Leaving this place means giving up a life I know. But I think it's time to go get the life Iwant.
The problem is, I don't even know if she still lives there. She kind of left me on read since I left so while it's something I am anticipating—seeing her again—I don't want to get my hopes up.
Sensing my trip down memory lane, Callan moves his chair closer and leans in.
"It's going to be fine, Jax. Don't let all that bullshit get to your head."
"Easy for you to say, you've managed your family drama."
"Correction, part of my family drama died."
"Damn, that got dark." He chuckles and I twist my lips.
"Just saying. Family drama doesn't ever really go away."
"It's not as much that, as it is…" I trail off. The memory of her is faint but still so bold. In a way, that makes sense to me. I had to force myself to stop thinking about what could have been and meanwhile, pretended to move on.
"You gonna find her?" Callan's words ring deep in my head, and my heart to be honest.
Does she even want me to find her? Will it be easy? Will I run into her? Would it be weird to ask around for her?
"I'm gonna try. I don't even know if she cares that I come back or even if she lives in the same town anymore." That idea alone has me feeling nervous for reasons I can't explain. "Or if she forgot about me."
"That was a tough time for you. I obviously wasn't there from the beginning, but hearing you talk about her…I could see the hurt in your eyes."
"It's whatever now. I really hope that I get the chance to catch up with her at the least."
"Don't try and be so aloof, Jax. Coming from the guy who once told me to fuck a girl I was obsessed with to, what was it you said?See if she'd be worth it, I believe were your exact words."