Page 99 of Lost & Found
“Wait,whatdoyoumean you’ve never been on one?”
“I mean, I’ve never been on one,” Hollis places her hands on her hips while we stand at the end of her driveway.
I keep my helmet tucked under my arm and I give her an incredulous look.
“Then how did my bike end up back at my house earlier today?” I question.
“That would be because of my dad.” She smirks at me.
“Your dad drove my motorcycle back to my house?” I give her a funny look and she just giggles at me.
“Daddy happened to know a thing or two about being a biker from back in his day,” she tells me as I try imagining Mr. Mendoza in his early adulthood, cruising down the highway on a Harley.
That might be believable, but now? I just laugh at the image.
“What’s so funny?” Hollis asks me.
“Nothing, I just can’t picture it.” I shrug my shoulders as I balance my helmet at my side.
“I followed him with my car just to make sure he could handle it and honestly, he looked like he knew what he was doing,” she jokes, and we both just smile hard at each other.
“So, are you going to get on or not?” I ask her, reaching my hand out for hers.
She stays put in her position, arms crossed over her chest and a look of apprehension on her face. Younger me would never even think twice about allowing her to get a motorcycle, ever. But even when I was teaching her to ride a bike, I knew my girl might have some kind of draw to danger. Even more so now when I look into her wickedly dark eyes, I can see she yearns for more even if it calls for a little trouble. Besides, I know I wouldn’t put her in danger. I know I’ll always continue to protect her and put her first.
“I don’t have a helmet,” she states.
“You can wear mine.” I offer my helmet, but she shakes her head.
“Come on, Holli. It’s only about twenty minutes away. I can take the back streets if that makes you feel better. I promise I’m a safe driver.” I smile at her and watch her eyes shift between me and my bike.
“It’s dark out and I don’t think it’s safe foryouto not have headgear,” she says stubbornly.
“Well, doesn’t your dad have a helmet for you then since he’s some kind of big biker hot shot?” I chuckle and she just rolls her eyes at me.
I get distracted when I see a light flicker across the street.
It’s my mom’s house, and suddenly I need to be anywhere else but here.
“Are you gonna go talk to her?” Hollis asks me, she walks closer and puts her hand in mine.
I feel her squeeze and it’s a comforting gesture. I know I need to talk to my mom, but I want to give it some more time. I was truly a dick last night and I just want to let the wound breath before I wrap it up.
“Not yet,” I respond. “I will soon, I just…I need to figure out what I’m going to say.” I feel an overwhelming sense of defeat when I think about how stupid my actions were. But Hollis’ mom’s words from earlier really got me thinking about how mistakes might benefit us. And then Hollis only added to my revelation by giving me insight on her thoughts.Everything we go through is a stepping stone to the final destination and the sooner we stop hiding behind our weaknesses and errors, the sooner we can take one more step forward.
“Let me go see what I can find in the garage. I will not be riding that thing with you if your handsome head isn’t protected.” She leans up and kisses my cheek before running off and disappearing into the garage.
I watch the movements in the house across the street a little closer. I see someone move throughout the living room and then the shadow moves away, probably into the kitchen. I think that maybe I should just go over there now, it feels like a good time to have someone else tell me their story. I know I overreacted with my mom and I feel fucking terrible; I’m sure my accusations hurt her as well. But I know now is not the time to go over there.
“Would you look at that!” Hollis shouts as she closes the garage and trots down the driveway with a black helmet in hand.
“So, Mr. Mendoza is a hot shot,” I quip as she tosses me the helmet. I catch it, then toss her my own.
“Now will you ride with me?” I ask her and she simply smiles and puts the helmet on her head.