Page 29 of Filthy Lawyer
“I didn’t stutter,” I said. “From what I’ve seen, most of the people you’re representing areliterallyguilty. They just don’t want to go to prison.”
“I told you to summarize my files, notanalyzethem.”
“If you’d actually given me some directions, maybe I’d know that.”
We glared at each other as the car moved up.
The moment the doors opened, I stepped onto the landing and headed down the hall.
Seconds later, heavy footsteps sounded from behind, and then I felt sturdy hands gripping my waist and spinning me around.
“I wasn’t done with our conversation, Miss Tanner,” Mr. Carter said.
“I was.”
“Anyway, like I was saying—” He gripped my hips a bit tighter. “I’m a partner here.”
“And I’m alawyerhere.” I looked into his eyes. “Not an intern, not a paralegal, not some starstruck college bimbo who is in awe of your presence.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“So, I suggest you start treating me like one, or we’re going to have a problem.”
“I’m supposed to teach you everything I know.”
“Then I’m sure the lesson won’t take that long.”
“Okay, Miss Tanner.” He looked amused and livid at the same time. “I’m going to allow your sarcasm to slide for one last time today.”
“Don’t, I mean every single word of it.” I held my ground. “As a matter of fact—”
He stamped his mouth over mine mid-sentence, kissing away the rest of my words.
I moaned as he pushed me against the wall with his hips, and I couldn’t help wrapping my arms around his neck.
Sliding his tongue against mine, he silently demanding that I let him in further, and I instantly obliged.
As his mouth controlled mine, his cock hardened against my stomach. My nipples hardened under my blouse.
I dropped a hand from his neck and reached down to touch it, and he responded by biting down hard on my bottom lip.
“Don’t tempt me,” he warned, pushing up against me more, giving me an even better feel of him.
I’d never been kissed like this, never been possessed like this, and I was seconds away from begging him for more.
“Please…” I moaned.
“Pleasewhat,Miss Tanner?”
I didn’t get a chance to answer.
He pulled away from me instead, leaving me breathless with soaking wet panties.
“Damnit…” He muttered, stepping back. “My clients will be here Monday at eight o’clock. I suggest you finish those files.”
“I’d need an entire year.”
“You have a weekend.” He left me standing alone in the hallway.