Page 97 of Filthy Lawyer
I hugged her tighter, as if she would disappear if I let her go, and we remained in a tear-filled embrace for what felt like forever.
“You have to tell what’s going on,” I said, finally pulling her inside. “You can have my bed, and I’ll sleep in the guest room.”
“Wait a second.” She held up her hand. “The first thing I want to do tonight is pee with the door shut. Where’s your bathroom?”
“Down the hall and to your right.”
“Please tell me you have something stronger than prison-ply toilet paper.”
“I do.”
“Perfect, thank you.” She walked away and I carried her bag to my bedroom.
Inside was a watch, a small billfold, and an envelope.
“Oh my god!” Ellie flopped onto the bed and kicked her legs. “It’s been so long since I’ve slept on one of these. I’m in heaven already.”
“I’m sorry you ever went to hell.”
“Stop it.” She sat up, shooting me a quick glare. “Don’t you dare. I’m free, Lizzie, and you should be, too.”
“How exactly did this happen?”
“It’s honestly still a blur.” She pinched her wrist, then she smacked her forehead. “Ouch. Anyway, all I know is that the warden stopped by my cell and told me I had ten minutes to pack up. I honestly thought the guards were about to lead meto solitary confinement, but they let me into the warden’s office instead.”
“He said that I must have some good friends inreallyhigh places, and that I’m the luckiest inmate in the world.”
“After they made me change out of the uniform and into my clothes, a guard escorted me through the gates and a driver picked me up outside,” she said. “A driver in an Audio, Elizabeth. Can you believe that?”
Tears fell past my cheeks.
“The guy drove me to the airport and I got to experience a private plane all to myself, minus the flight attendant and the pilot, of course.”
“Of course…” I choked back a sob.
“Then when we got here—which holy shit, what a place—they gave me this wallet and told me to take the elevator to your condo number.”
She handed it to me before jumping on the bed.
I flipped through the billfold, thumbing through the gift cards to various high-end clothing stores, hair salons, and a personal “Call me let’s set up your new life” agency. But the card that stood out the most, didn’t feature any name or number at all.
Welcome to the firm…
“Okay, wait a minute.” She stopped jumping and placed her hands on my shoulders. “I know all these tears aren’t forme.”
“Of course, they are, Ellie. Every single one.”
“I don’t think so.” She looked into my eyes. “It’s Mr. Carter, isn’t it?”
“No.” I shook my head. “Not at all.”
“Want to order me everything off the best pizza café’s menu and catch me up on what’s been going on?”
“There is no ‘him’ anymore, Ellie.”
“Oh, come on,Elizabeth…”
“I wanted him to love me.” My voice cracked. “I was just sex and work partner to him…”