Page 26 of Vanished Hearts
Jameson lashes out with tremendous speed, driving his fist into Chad’s ribs. I flinch. I don’t know why I do, but I do. One of Chad’s soldiers hits Jameson from the side, knocking him off balance, but Jameson recovers quickly enough to deflect a punch from the other, who was swinging from just outside Jameson’s field of vision.
Cheap shot. Cowards.
“Fight fair!” I scream. “Leave him alone!”
I want to do something. I want to rush in there like I’m Catwoman and flying kick all three of these assholes into oblivion, but all I can do is stand there and watch as they attack the man I care most for in my life.
“Son of a bitch…” Chad grumbles, clutching his ribs as he recovers and raises up for another swing at Jameson, who is dealing with another one of Chad’s guys, who has his hands full of Jameson’s lapel.
Jameson knees the man hard in the stomach, causing him to slump with a groan that even I can hear from where I’m standing, then drives his fist into the man’s jaw, sending him sprawling. The man falls like a ragdoll, and although I don’t watch boxing or MMA, I know a knockout when I see one.
“Look out!” I cry out as the other man drops his elbow into Jameson’s neck, knocking him down. “Get off him!”
Jameson falls but quickly rolls, avoiding a kick to the face that surely would have sent him to the hospital. Somehow, he manages to grab the man’s foot and pull, tugging him to the ground with him.
Jameson stands, but it’s at that moment that Chad manages to get his breath back and raises the pipe with fierce intent, a piercing hatred in his eyes.
“Behind you!” I scream. But it’s too late.
Chad brings the pipe down with every bit of force he has on Jameson’s back, dropping him to his knees. Jameson grunts with pain and catches himself with both hands, keeping himself from completely collapsing. Chad raises up for a second swing, and I feel my heartbeat spike like it’s ready to explode.
But somehow, just as Chad is bringing the pipe down, Jameson manages to spin and drives his foot into Chad’s ankle.
There’s a sickening crunch, and Chad crumples to the ground, crying out in pain.
Jameson rises to his feet and picks up the pipe from where it has fallen. He advances on Chad, still writhing in pain, and points the pipe straight down at his face as though it were a sword.
“You stay away from her now,” he growls, his voice stalwart and fierce. “You understand?”
Chad nods, gasping as he clutches his ankle. Jameson raises the pipe, threatening a blow to the face. “I asked you if you understand!”
“Yes!” Chad blurts out. “I understand!”
Jameson glares down at his fallen enemy for a few more seconds, then turns and heaves the pipe into the shrub behind the diner. He turns and comes over to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I’m still shaking, but his touch and his warmth immediately start to calm me down.
“Don’t worry,” he tells me. “It’s all right now. You’re all right.”
I feel something wet and warm against my hand and look down to see blood dripping from his back. That blow he took from Chad must have caused some real damage.
“I’m all right? Are you kidding me?” I reply, showing him the blood. “Jameson, we have to get you to the hospital.”
“Hospital?” He chuckles, lifting his shirt. “How bad is it?”
I wince, examining the cut on his back. “You’ve got a decent-sized cut there, and there’s already some bruising.”
“Hospital-schmospital,” he laughs, pulling his keys from his pocket. “Come on. We’ll go back to the house and you can be my nurse.”
He spins me in his arms and catches me, locking me with his eyes and his unbeatable, charming smile. “My gorgeous, sexy nurse.”
I’m overwhelmed. Jameson isn’t even limping or showing any signs that he just took some serious hits in a three-on-one brawl as he walks me back over to his car. The only concern he’s showing is for me as he opens the passenger side door, pushes the seat down and motions for me to climb into the tiny back seat that I didn’t even know was there.
“It’s tiny, but you can fit.” He grins. “What’s even better is that there’s no broken glass on it.”
“And what about you?” I ask. “There’s broken glass all over your seat.”
“I’ll be fine,” he replies, shrugging out of his shirt. His torso is gleaming in the sunlight, covered in a thin film of sweat brought up from the fight. Heat flows through me. I can’t believe myself. Even now, despite how worried I am, despite his bloody back, I’m so turned on by him. Even though I have adrenaline flooding through me, even though my heart feels like it’s about to explode on the very next beat, I can’t stop myself from tracing the lines of his muscles with my eyes as fantasies fill my mind.