Page 50 of Vanished Hearts
“Yeah, I think you’re gonna have to do the ordering, Jameson.”
He chuckles. “No problem. You really can’t go wrong here. Everything is delicious. Even things I normally don’t eat are incredible here.”
I’m feeling jittery and amped up when the appetizers show up. There’s a lobster ravioli with Maine lobster that nearly kills me with just how good it is, scallops with a pear and walnut sauce, and an autumn salad with beets and blackberries that I thought I wouldn’t like, but as Jameson said, I do. It must be reading all over my face as well, because I can see Jameson grinning at me as I eat.
“Good, isn’t it?” he asks.
“So good.” I smile, covering my mouth as I finish chewing. “I had no idea food could even be this good. I mean, not to insult your mom’s cooking or anything. I always loved the days you’d invite me over and everything.”
Jameson chuckles and shakes his head. “Don’t worry, the food here is on a whole other level. We all know that.”
After that, we split something called duck l’orange and a wagyu steak with vegetables. We finished it off with a lime tart and an almond tartlet with roasted white chocolate and cranberry, as explained to me by the waiter. I doubt I could really explain it again to anybody if they asked me about it, but I can say it’s one of the best things I’ve ever eaten in my life. That goes for the whole meal.
“You know, I can’t even remember the last time I was out of Boxhurst,” I say, taking a sip of my drink. It’s a zero-proof cocktail made with seltzer, lime, cucumber, mint, and ginger and it’s insanely delicious. I think I’m on my third. “I guess once you left, I’d resigned myself to the idea that I’d be there my entire life.”
“Feels good to get out, doesn’t it?”
“It sure does.” I nod. “Especially to a place like this and not just a movie theater or a fast food restaurant. You’re really sweet for taking me.”
“Are you kidding? I’m more than happy to. I love doing things that make you happy, Iris.” Jameson smiles. “You should know that by now.”
His words make me go all warm and fuzzy inside. We’re sitting across from each other, but I just want to jump into his lap and curl up in his arms. I don’t do that, of course, this being a nice restaurant and all. But the next chance I get, I’m going to do just that.
“I still feel bad for how you had to deal with my mom. You really shouldn’t have had to go through that.”
Jameson shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it,” he tells me. “It’s you, Iris. I’d do anything for you. You know that.”
Hearing him talk to me like this is getting me all emotional. I have to chew my lower lip to keep myself from crying. Still, the tears are starting to well up as I think about all the times I’ve had to deal with my mom myself, all the times that Jameson wasn’t there, all the times that I felt hopeless and alone. It’s all rising up again as he looks at me with that protective intent.
Don’t break down now, I tell myself. You’re in a restaurant.
“Still, I feel bad,” I reply. “You just don’t understand how it’s been with her. How much I’ve had to deal with her over these last few years. I mean, I go and take a job at Jaguars that I’m not even comfortable with so I can earn some extra money for the both of us, and what’s she do? She calls me a whore!”
“Yeah, that’s terrible,” Jameson agrees. “I don’t think she meant it, though.”
“No? I think she did.”
“It’s the drinking, Iris,” he replies. “She needs help.”
For some reason, his response really stings something inside me. It’s like he just pressed a sore spot I wasn’t even aware was there. But I react instantly.
“She needs help? What about me, Jameson? What about the last three years that I’ve been dealing with her completely on my own?”
“I understand that, Iris, but–”
“Do you know how hard that’s been?”
He shakes his head. “I can’t imagine, Iris–”
“My dad wasn’t here. You weren’t here. No one was here to help me with her except for Eliza every now and then, and I didn’t even ask her for help because I was too embarrassed to!”
I can feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes now. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m going to cry.
“I understand you’re hurting, Iris, but I’m back now. I can help you.”
He stretches a hand out across the table, but for some reason, I don’t take it. I look away at the wall, my chest tight as I fight back all the sadness and shame ripping through me.