Page 113 of Fake Empire
I nod.
“Yeah. Do you?”
The tests I’m holding both turn positive. I turn them so he can see. “Three for three. I think we’re past the wanting kids conversation.”
“We don’t have to be.”
“We’re married and you want a kid and you’re telling me you’d be okay with not keeping this baby?”
“I’m saying it’s your body and if that’s a conversation you want to have, let’s have it.”
I’m surprised, and I know it shows on my face. We’re not a couple of high schoolers who fooled around once. Kids—heirs—are one of the primary goals of this marriage. “Wow. That’s shockingly progressive of you. Suzanne Lamonte asked me if I was considering taking time off work to try andgetpregnant earlier.”
“She might feel foolish about that.”
I catch the caveat. “I’m keeping it, Crew. There was never a question. Yeah, I wish it had happened later—like maybe when we were actually trying—but it didn’t. I don’t feel ready, but I probably never will. So…” I lift one shoulder and let it drop.
“So we’re having a baby.”
A comment about his lack of role in the whole growing and birthing a human process going forward is at the tip of my tongue. His contribution was quick and enjoyable.I’mhaving a baby, not him. But I bite it back, considering he’s handling this whole thing far better than I expected.
“Yep. I mean, I’ll go to the doctor and confirm, but these all hadsuper accurateplastered on the front, so it going the other way seems unlikely, I think? I don’t really know.”
“You’ll tell me? When the appointment is?”
“Oh,” I reply, thrown. “Uh, you don’t have to—”
“I want to go.”
“Okay.” My voice is barely a whisper.
“Okay,” he echoes.
Then, unexpectedly, he kisses me. It’s urgent and eager. There’s no finesse and lots of emotion. The stiff material of his tux rubs against my bare skin, sending moans tumbling out of my mouth. Then something shifts. Slows. Softens. Touches linger and drag. Sink into my skin and sear.
“I should go let Teddy out,” Crew murmurs, pulling back.
“Are you coming back?”
“Yeah. I’m coming back.”
“Okay.” I step away and walk back into the bathroom without looking at him. His footsteps fade as he walks down the hall to the guest room that’s become Teddy’s domain.
I shed the lace I’m wearing and step into the shower. Hot water pounds over me as I wash my skin and shampoo my hair. I rest a hand on my flat stomach as suds slide down it.
I’m pregnant.
Suspecting felt different than knowing. I’m scared and excited and a million other emotions I can’t name.
I’m relieved Crew knows. I didn’t realize how heavily telling him was weighing on me until it lifted. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind he would want this baby. Heirs—for his family’s company, for my family’s company—were always a pressing goal of this marriage. All the uncertainty stems from how this will affectus.
Crew and Scarlett.
I step out of the shower and towel off. My hair gets a quick brush and my skin a sweep of moisturizer. I’m too tired to do anything else. I hang up my towel, pull on one of the silk nightgowns I usually sleep in, and slide into bed.
When the door opens, I’m still awake. I stay curled on my side as I watch Crew’s silhouette remove the tux. I close my eyes when he approaches the bed. But I know the exact second he slips between the sheets. His heat radiates. The mattress dips.
I don’t move and he doesn’t reach for me.