Page 92 of Fake Empire
“Yes,” she admits.
“And tonight?”
“He wants to pursue another investment together.” She leans back and tucks her legs underneath her. “I took the meeting as a courtesy, but I told him no. That I have my hands full withHauteand nowrouge. And.” She clears her throat. “I mentioned that I’m happily married.”
Like hell is this guy getting involved in Kensington Consolidated.
“He made another pass at you?”
“Yes.” She catches sight of my expression, and hers turns amused. “I handled it, Crew.”
I sigh. “I’m sorry. Last night…I was pissed.”
“Yep. Figured that out.”
“I thought we were finally in a good place. And then I saw those photos and I just…if it was true, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. That’s why I didn’t say anything to you until now.”
“I should have told you about it. Possibly when you insinuated I didn’t earnHaute.”
I wince. “I’m an ass sometimes.”
I set my food down on the coffee table and move closer to her. I tilt her head up and trace my thumb across her bottom lip. “Scarlett.” Her name is my favorite word in the English language. I love saying it. Caressing the syllables.
I’m about to kiss her when she asks, “Where were you last night?”
“My old place. Alone.”
She holds my gaze. “Okay.”
“Would it bother you? If I hadn’t been?”
I smile. “Good.”
For the first time, all our steps feel forward.
“Morning.” I smile at Leah and Andrea as I step off the elevator.
“Mor—morning,” Leah stutters, then looks to Andrea. “Did you, um, did you not get my message?”
“About the delay with the delivery?” I glance down at my phone to respond to a text from my mother. She’s still been badgering me about dinner. “I saw it. I requested they send everything straight to the park. We should still be on schedule.”
“Okay. Great.” When I look up, Andrea and Leah are exchanging surprised looks.
I hide a smile. They’re both probably wondering why I’m in such a good mood. “I just have to grab a few things from my office and then I’ll head over there. Everything else is on schedule, right?”
Andrea nods. “I’ll see you both at one.”
I head into my office. The samples I was supposed to look through last night are hanging from a portable rack. Leaving by eight every night has cut into my productivity. I’m more happy about that than I ever imagined being.
I didn’t realize how unbalanced my life was until Crew straightened the scales. My drive to makeHaute—and nowrouge—successful bled into everything else. Dedicating every thought and decision to that goal is the reason the photoshoot today in Central Park will feature the hottest designers, most talented photographers, and most coveted models. It’s a point of pride—the pinnacle of my identity outside of being Crew Kensington’s wife. But it’s not a title I feel the urge to separate myself from as much as I used to. Crew is someone I’m proud to be attached to.