Page 98 of Fake Empire
We drive a few more blocks before Teddy wakes up and starts whining. “What do I do?” I ask Crew, as his cries grow louder.
“What did the shelter tell you?”
“Basically nothing. I haven’t read through the whole packet yet, and I left it at home. He already ate.”
“He probably needs a patch of grass,” Asher suggests in a bored tone.
I look at Crew. “Pull over.”
“You want him to go onme?”
Asher laughs as Crew mutters under his breath.
He pulls over in front of a tree surrounded by mulch. “This is the best I can do.”
I work at unclipping all the straps of the car harness I just slid into place.
“Can’t he pee in that?”
“It’s attached to the seatbelt, Sport.”
Asher laughs again. “I get why the press is obsessed with you two. You’re a real riot.”
Both Crew and I ignore him as we struggle with the harness. “This one had the best reviews,” Crew mutters.
“You looked up the reviews?”
Based on the illumination from the streetlights, he looks affronted.
“Of course I did.” Crew keeps fiddling with the harness, petting Teddy as he does. I give up on helping and watch him struggling to free our dog.
I think I love him.It’s a terrifying realization.
“You realize we’re going to have to put it back on him, right? Don’t celebrate yet.”
Crew rolls his eyes before climbing out of the car with Teddy. He sets the dog down in the mulch, and he immediately squats.
“Didn’t see this coming when we went to that climbing gym.”
The sound of Asher’s voice startles me. “What do you mean?”
“I figured you two would end up divorced or not speaking. Crew likes things done a certain way—his way. I got the sense you were the same way. Basically, a recipe for disaster.”
“It’s only been a couple of months. Who knows how we’ll end up.”
“Anyone with eyes could make a good guess,” Asher replies.
Crew climbs back into the car before I have a chance to reply. He hands me Teddy, who wriggles and licks my face.
“He went.”
“I saw.” I give his soft head a rub. “Who’s the best boy?”
“You never say that to me, Red.”