Page 102 of True to You
Chapter 35
We take a little longer at Chart House, but it’s delicious. And Oscar never texts or calls through any of it. I don’t think about that though, as Veronica and I laugh at Cindy, who flirts with our waiter. When we finish, we pay the check and make our way to the dance in Cindy’s dad’s BMW.
I’m smiling as Veronica still giggles at how our waiter started to blush at Cindy, but as we make our way down the 405 freeway, my mind starts to roam. Not about Oscar, because I couldn’t care less about him, even though I should be pissed he stood me up. But I keep thinking about Matt. I wonder if he ended up getting a date. If he did, will I be mad when I see her? I find myself wishing he had just asked me one more time, and I would’ve said yes. Then I get mad at myself, because why did I leave it up to him to ask me again? I should’ve just asked him and told him the truth. Told him how I felt. No, I can’t think like that anymore, because what is there between us now?
“You okay, over there?” Veronica asks from the back seat. I see Cindy look over from the driver’s side briefly.
“Yeah.” I cough. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You should text him. Tell him you want him to save you a dance.”
I give a half-hearted smile. “V, I don’t know if he’ll even want that dance anymore.”
“Well, then he’s a dummy.” She starts to laugh, and I turn around to see why. “He’s no longer Hottie McFanboy; he’s now Hottie McDummy.”
I can’t stop from giggling, Cindy joining in with us.
* * *
It takes us about thirty minutes to get to the dance. The parking lot is filling up, and as we enter the hotel, I try not to focus on all the couples walking in, hand in hand. I make an effort to keep my eyes from looking for Matt, but I do it anyways. I’m pretty sure he didn’t end up getting a date, but if I see him with one, I’m not sure how I’ll react.
We decide to wait in line for pictures first and then head into the dance hall. The music echoes and there are a few people on the dance floor, but not many. I see Carter standing on the other side of the dance floor. Our eyes meet, and he looks confused to see me. I don’t know why he looks confused, but I turn around, and I’m instantly hit with shock and rage. The feelings I should’ve felt earlier when Oscar never bothered to text me. The emotions boil over, as I watch him suck face with some blonde girl in a pixie bob with red highlights.
“What is it?” Cindy asks, but I don’t answer.
My feet move with purpose as I stride straight to him. I think I hear Cindy and Veronica calling me back, but I’m too pissed off to stop. He and the girl are standing next to a table with appetizers and drinks. I clear my throat loudly, trying to get his attention, as he still has his tongue down her throat.
I don’t know why, but I expect him to be surprised to see me. Maybe not sorry, because obviously I was the last thing on his mind today, but at least to have some decency and act like what he’s doing is, if not wrong, at least highly uncalled for. I’ll even settle for a slight look of apprehension from him.
But as he turns around and sees me, I don’t get any of that. He gives me a smirk, raising an eyebrow, as if to say Come on, seriously?
“What?” he says.
I open my mouth to cuss him out. Or just scream at him. But I surprise myself, this time by my own reaction. I can feel Cindy and Veronica behind me, but they’ve gone quiet.
“You know what?” I tap a finger to my lips. “Nothing. You’re not worth it.”
“Right.” He gives me an incredulous chuckle.
If he didn’t say anything, I might just turn around and walk away. But the look he gives me? As if any girl would kill to be the one he’s playing tonsil hockey with, and looking at me like somehow, I’m the idiot in this scenario. Without a second thought, I quickly grab a cup of whatever drink is on the table and throw it in his face. The girl he’s with screams and his friends around him scatter. I guess it’s punch because he’s dripping wet and the white shirt under his tux turns to pink.
“Shit!” He shakes his arms. “This is a rental!”
“Sorry,” I say in the cutest voice I can muster. “Hope you got the insurance.”
I turn around to see the girls holding in their laughs as we walk away.
* * *
* * *
I can’t stop wringing my fingers, wiping my sweaty palms on my legs, as the Uber driver makes his way to Izzy’s house. I have no idea what I’m going to find. Is she going to be pissed Oscar stood her up? Will she be crying? Will she even want to talk to me after everything? For a moment, I wonder if she’ll be happy, like we’re playing out some kind of movie. I shake away the thoughts, trying to get my nerve back, as the driver pulls up to her house.
“Hey.” I look over at the driver as I open the door. “Can you hang on for a moment? I think we’ll need a ride back. This way I don’t have to schedule another pick up.”