Page 60 of True to You
“Matt, I don’t think …”
She trails off, looking down at the ground. I bring my hand under her chin. I don’t know what she feels when I’m around, but if it’s anything like the electricity that shoots through me from my fingers just brushing her skin, she doesn’t let on.
As I catch my breath, she looks up at me. “Please?”
She bites her lip again, holding back a smile. “You can’t do that to me.”
“Get all doe-eyed on me.” She laughs, then raises a hand to my cheek. “And you got this sexy scruff going on.”
My breath hitches again, and this time I know she catches my reaction, pulling her hand away.
“Sexy, huh?”
“Watch it.” She points at me. “I can still say no to the prom week coupling.”
“You can try,” I smile, running my hand down her arm. I finally get the reaction I want, the same one she’s been giving me, and it brings a huge grin to my lips. “But we both know you won’t.”
She pulls her arm away just before I can hold her hand and gives me a coy smile. “I should go.”
“Okay.” I take a deep breath. “I have to go too. The rest of the day we’re going to be counting up the ballots.”
“That reminds me, you’ll probably like my little show tomorrow?”
I raise an eyebrow. “Show? At the pep rally?”
“Yep. You’ll see.” She smiles and then turns to leave.
I pick up a soda and pizza on my way to the student council room. We all received clearance from our teachers for the last two periods to tally the prom court votes, and we’re trying to get the counts done before the end of last period, so we don’t have to stay after school.
“Damn, we got a lot of votes this year,” Greg says, tallying up some votes for the guys’ side.
Our senior class is a class size of just over four hundred and it seems like almost every one of them voted this year. Some years the vote count was low, which made it easier for the ASB officials to count, but it looks like everyone wanted to nominate someone this year.
“Ho. Ly. Shit,” Yvette spits out.
She and Oscar decided to work on the girl votes, while Greg and I counted up the guys.
“What’s up?” I ask and catch Oscar holding back a laugh.
“There’s no way this is right,” she says, still staring at her paper on her desk.
I get up and walk over to her. Her eyes shoot up at me, annoyed, while her fingers grip the paper. I tug at it, but she doesn’t let go. I walk behind her, rather than try to argue with her. When my eyes see the vote count, they widen. I can’t help the proud smile that creeps across my face.
“No way.” I chuckle. “She got second place.”
“Looks like Nerd Girl ain’t such a joke.” Oscar laughs, making Yvette snap her head to him, her eyes burning with rage.
“This has to be a mistake.”
“I don’t know.” Greg looks over at us. “Did you see those posters her friends made for her? This past week she kind of got a following going.”
“Sarah’s gonna flip,” I let out, trying to stifle my laughter.
“This isn’t funny, Matt.” Yvette gets up from her desk, turning to me.
“Calm down.” I put up my hands. “She was going to be on the court anyways, remember? This way we don’t have to rig the votes.”