Page 30 of Queen of Kings
Okay, I have to admit something. The glitz and the glamour from celebrities doesn’t really faze me. Put me in a room full of actors, rock stars, or even national sports heroes, and I’m fine. I was in the room when my father signed a deal for an artist to perform at the Super Bowl. The very next day, I watched him make a deal with a seven-time Grammy award winner. I’ve seen all of the stars, and it doesn’t affect me. I’ve come to learn that people are people. Some are more well-known than others, but if you strip that all away, they’re just like everyone else. They all have dreams or desires.
That being said, getting into fancy celebrity parties is certainly fun. Which is what I’m doing now. An artist for Rich Records wanted to get access to a huge beach party being thrown by Adam Coleman, a big-time Hollywood actor. The artist was coming out of the studio when she asked if I knew anyone who could get her in. It’s a frequent card people like to try and pull on me. I’m the boss’ kid, so they think I might be able to get some special privilege or entry into the hottest parties or concerts around. I usually can.
It wasn’t a big deal, and as I was telling her it’d be no problem, and I’d make a call, Shawn overheard the entire thing at the front desk. As I pulled out my phone to get her on the list, he wiggled his eyebrows at me, a huge grin in place, and then proceeded to beg me to come to the party and bring him along. After protesting that I didn’t want to be around and try to act like I was schmoozing all the guests, I finally caved. He’s my best friend, and he never asks for anything. But I could tell how bad he wanted to go. I’ve been to a couple of Adam Coleman parties, and they can be, in a word, epic. Since Shawn is not only my best friend but also my roommate, I figured why not.
So here we are, on the boardwalk of Venice Beach, atop a brand-new rooftop club. I’ve noticed Maddox Barkley a few times, but I keep telling myself it’s because he’s Maddox Barkley of the Kings of Karmichael. Not because he’s Jade’s brother.
“Austin!” An attractive, blonde pop star wraps her arm around my neck, kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll be in the studio next week!”
I smile at her, the scent of alcohol on her breath causing me to shake my head. “Hey, that’s great, Bex.”
“My manager said your dad wants to bring in Gabe Philips to produce my next record. I can’t wait!” She drunkenly kisses my other cheek, then runs away.
Shawn slaps my shoulder. “You see! You always get the good ones.”
“Shut up!” I push him, laughing. “I didn’t get anything. You know damn well she, like all the others, only try to schmooze me and everything else because of my dad.”
He smirks, lifting his shoulders. “I know. Hey, I’m gonna hit the restroom.”
“Yeah, man.”
Shawn takes off to the bathroom while I continue to mingle around the club. Waving to a couple of more people I recognize from the opposite side of the room, I see Maddox again. And again, I wonder if Jade is going to show up. I have to stop thinking about her. She has a boyfriend.
“Hey,” I hear a voice behind me, then feel a slap across my shoulders.
Turning around, I see the cosplay rock star who was talking to my dad. “Oh, hey …”
“Right. Austin.” I extend my hand to him, and he shakes it. “How’s it going, man?”
“It’s going great.” He’s holding a red cup, and his words almost mix together. He’s not drunk, but he’s definitely under the influence. “Hey, so are you like, a producer or something?”
“No, why?”
He fidgets with his hand, nervously looking around the club, taking another drink from his cup. “Oh, I just figured you were with Mr. Richards, since you were all dressed up and everything. Are you, like, a marketing manager? Do you work with distribution?” Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out a CD. “I always keep a demo on me, and I’d love for you to give it to Mr. Richards. I know I’ve given him one already and we have a deal set up, but I really want to make sure he knows how bad I want this. I’m serious, I’ll do whatever it takes. Anything. Anything at all.”
I chuckle, pushing the CD back to him. “Dude, dude. It’s all good. Look, I don’t work with acquisitions or anything like this. He’s my father.”
“Oh.” A soft, glazed look falls over his eyes. A new expression appears on him that says he doesn’t know why he’s talking to me. Then, like all the others, he realizes I’m the boss’ son. “Oh! My man, you gotta get this to your pops, then. I’m telling you, it’s punk and I know Rich Records doesn’t usually sign punk bands, but we’re the shit, man. We’re the next Ramones.”
I lift my brows, impressed. Not that they’re the next Ramones, but that he’s got the audacity to say that.
“Yeah, yeah,” he continues. “We’re that good. Please, if you could just take the demo and—”
I shake my head, waving my head in refusal. “I’m sorry. Really, I am, but I can’t take anything. They’re unsolicited submissions. I can’t—”
“Oh, come on,” his words slur together. “You’re his son. Please, you have to—”
“Look, I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m sure whatever deal you have worked out with him, it’ll be all good.”
Tapping the CD case against his legs, he nods in disappointment. “Right. Yeah, okay.”
Without a handshake or even a good-bye, he turns around and heads back into the crowd. I’m not offended. It’s not the first time someone has tried to sneak their way closer to my father through me, and I know it won’t be the last.