Page 51 of Queen of Kings
I know why. It’s because I told her the girl I’m talking to is named Kristen. Not that she would know Jade is the actual Jade from the Kings of Karmichael, seeing as how my mom doesn’t pay attention to celebrities, except Brad Pitt.
Picking up on her disappointment, I really don’t want her to make a big scene, but I figure if I hold this back and tell her later that Jade is actually Kristen, I’m most likely going to get an earful from her. “Uh, yeah. Kristen Jade.”
My mom’s face lights up. Glancing over at her, I watch as a small pink hue covers Jade’s cheeks. “Jade, this is my mom, Anita.”
“Yes!” Lily clamps her hands together. “She gets to meet the ’rent.”
“Lily,” Jade scolds her through a clenched jaw. Shaking off the embarrassment, she looks back at my mom. “Nice to meet you, Anita.”
“Please, please, sit down.” The table we’re sitting at has four chairs, so my mom gets up from her spot, and shuffles around to a seat closer to me.
I let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh … uh, I’m sure Lily wanted to celebrate her birthday with her friend, and I wouldn’t want to—”
“Nonsense,” my mom cuts me off. “It’s fine.”
“Yeah,” Lily agrees, complete with a wide grin across her face. “It’s fine!”
Biting my lip, I look over at Jade, who’s wearing the same expression. The hostess leaves our side, and a small round of silence falls over the table.
“So, what do you do, Kristen Jade?” my mom speaks up first.
Her embarrassment leaves, replaced with confusion. She looks over at me, unsure why my mom’s asking. I decide to let the conversation unfold on its own. I’m sure it’s been a while since someone had no idea who she is.
“What do I do?” Jade asks her.
My mom nods in anticipation. “Yes, are you a student? Do you work?”
Jade releases an embarrassed chuckle. “Uh, actually, I’m in a band.”
“Oh, a band. How lovely. Do you like it?”
Another laugh from Jade, this one more comfortable than the last. “Yeah. It has its perks.”
The conversation continues as the waitress comes back, getting Jade and Lily’s order. I would be embarrassed and slightly horrified at the number of questions my mom asks Jade, but she takes it all in stride. Questions about the music she plays or the different instruments she knows. She finds out Jade has a twin brother and that she’s been to almost two dozen countries. With all of the music talk, it never crosses her mind that Jade is as big of a superstar as she is, and I think it’s something Jade enjoys.
Once we get our food, my mom thoroughly embarrasses me by pulling out her phone to show pictures from my elementary school days, complete with a picture of a talent show I was in with some friends. We dressed up and performed as the Blue Man Group from Las Vegas. At least my mother never uploaded any baby pictures of me to Facebook because I’m sure she would be sharing those, too.
Checking the time on her phone, Jade asks for the check. “I’m sorry, I have to meet up with my band. We’re going over a few things.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” my mom replies. “Please, we can’t let you pay for the food.”
“Oh, it’s okay,” Jade counters. “I was treating Lily anyway.”
“Austin,” my mother says, giving me a sharp glare.
Chuckling, I lift my shoulders. “Please, Jade. If you don’t let us pay for it, I’ll have to hear it from her for over a week.” The comment earns a sharp glare from my mom, with a tiny smile. “What?” I ask her. “You know it’s true.”
Jade giggles. “Okay, fine. My treat next time.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” I reply.
Both of them get up from the table, and I give Jade one more smile and small wave, watching them leave the restaurant.
“She’s adorable, Austin.”
“Yeah,” I reply, watching the door even though she’s long gone. “She’s pretty great.”
“Is her band popular?”
I can’t help the chuckle that falls out. Taking a drink of my soda, I nod. “You could say that.”