Page 77 of Queen of Kings
He slaps my arm. “Hey, let’s do something tonight?”
I wave to the books and papers sitting in front of me on the coffee table. “Seriously? I still have to study, go over these other forms for loans, and I want to finish the other applications I picked up today.”
“Other applications? Dude, you just got a call for an interview.”
“Yeah, but I want to be safe. It’s not like I just drop my dad’s name and get what I want now.”
He lifts his shoulders. “Yeah, I guess so.” He gets up from the couch, heading into the kitchen. “We got any frozen pizza left?”
“I think so.”
As he walks into the kitchen, my phone starts ringing. The number is one I don’t recognize, and a new hope hits me that it’s another possible employer. I turned in twenty applications in the last two days.
“Hello?” Silence on the other end. Pulling the phone back, I see the call is still going. “Hello?”
“What’s up, Austin?”
“Uh … who is this?” The voice sounds familiar, but I can’t place it.
“A King.”
The word and voice finally hit me. “Maddox?”
“Got a minute to talk?”