Page 32 of King of Bad
Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Before the business meeting, or whatever that thing was I went to that Peter said I should attend, I never have. I still don’t know if that’s what I had while there, but it feels like it.
After the weekend and playing at Luxe, all while keeping my eyes and ears open the entire time to try and talk to Cece again, I never got the chance. So, I was left with not only EJ’s laughter still ringing in my ears but maybe more concerning, being unable to forget Leah’s words.
I like Cece.
Look, I’ve liked girls before. When I say like, I mean that I’ve thought about possibly dating them. But that was before my life turned into a rock and roll roller coaster, and I took advantage of everything that comes with that. Ever since then, I haven’t had time to “like” someone. Sure, I’d go out, and we’d have fun, but like? Like like? No.
When Leah said I liked her, I continued to think she was crazy for the rest of the night. How many times have I said it? I’m Maddox freakin’ Barkley.
But if that’s the case, then why can’t I get those words out of my head? Why couldn’t I stop myself the next night, or the night after that, from scanning Luxe, trying to spot Cece somewhere? I saw her a couple of times while I was on stage, but after that, I didn’t see her anywhere. And maybe the most concerning part of it all is that I wanted to find her again and talk to her. Not hit on her, but just talk to her.
I had a voicemail from Leslie about going over numbers for the club but didn’t think much of it. However, when Peter called and said I should show up, I asked if Cece was going to be there, and he laughed. “Yeah, she runs the club. Chester Mavin will be, too.”
So that’s when I knew I had to go. Showing up, I still had my bravado on full display because why not? It’s my go-to move and works all of the time. Of course, I got the same annoyed look from her when I showed up. That’s when I remembered this isn’t normal. Nothing about my interaction with her is normal.
Thus, the out-of-body experience happened.
I dropped Maddox freakin’ Barkley. The rock star who has traveled the world doesn’t make a dent in this girl’s armor and, maybe more unsettling, I didn’t want to make a dent. I didn’t want to finally zing her with a one-liner and have her fawn over me. I just wanted to talk to her. Connect with her. And I had no idea where that was coming from. When she finally agreed to go out with me, it was like I was looking down on myself, and I had to finally accept Leah’s words. I do like her.
Which brings me here, standing in the main lobby of Peter’s penthouse. The elevator opens to his home as long as you know the code, but I’m not here to see Peter. Jade still lives here, and I’m here to see her. So why are my feet stuck to the floor, and I can’t move?
Jade walks around the corner, stopping when she sees me. “Maddox? I heard the elevator ding but didn’t hear Peter … What are you doing here?”
I’m still stuck.
“I … uh … I need help,” I finally spit out. She eyes me carefully, waiting for me to continue. “I … have a date.”
I’m not sure what I’m expecting her reaction to be, but I’m not surprised when she rolls her eyes. “Very funny. You usually have to truly like someone for it to be a date. Otherwise, it’s just a hookup. What are you really doing?” I don’t answer, and it earns a lift of an eyebrow. Her head turns slightly, and her lips part. “Are you … Are you serious?”
I still can’t answer her. Of course I’m serious, but I feel like I’m in the deep end of a pool right now and I can’t swim.
Her eyes grow wide. “Holy crap! You’re serious!”
“Your reaction is just making me more nervous.”
“I can’t believe this!”
She grabs my hand and drags me through the penthouse, over to the couch in the living area. There’s a large flat-screen TV that’s on with some sort of cooking show, but she picks up the remote and turns it off. Dropping to the couch, she grasps my hand again and pulls me down to sit next to her. Nervously, I rub my hands over my jeans, staring down at the tiled floor.
“Maddox, this is insane! Who is it? How long have you liked her? How long have you known her? When did this happen?”
Her questions are all rapid fire. It’s as if I’m in a blender, getting swirled around like a tornado. I can’t believe this is happening. I actually like someone and want to go on a date. Not to hook up with them or play the part of being the King of Bad, but to try and develop an actual relationship with someone.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” I say, grabbing my stomach.
“No,” she cries, placing her hand on my arm. “Don’t say that. Why? What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” I repeat her question, letting out an incredulous chuckle. “What’s wrong is I feel like a complete loser. I’m turning to my sister for dating advice because I actually like a girl, and I have no idea what to do?”
“Who’s the girl?”
I cringe, feeling a new form of nervousness take over. Jade waits, and then I close my eyes. “Cece Mavin.”