Page 177 of Filthy Deal
“And we already are a power couple. I’m better with you. I know you don’t know that yet, but I do. Now let’s get dressed and go shopping.”
I laugh. “Are you serious?”
“Hell yeah, sweetheart.” He stands up and pulls me with him, his hands slide under my hair and cups my neck. “I’m going to spank you again. Think about it. I will be.”
I smile, and kiss him. “I will be, too.”
And as we part our bodies and dress, the mood is lighter, and when we look at each other, I can feel the growing bond between us. Yes, we fought, but on the other side of it, we are stronger. And I hope that means our enemies are weaker.
Chapter one hundred nine
Eric gives me a truePretty Woman, Julia Roberts experience. He leads me into the Chanel store, hands over his credit card, and tells them we are going to spend tons of money. And then he proceeds to have me show him every outfit. This repeats at several other stores, and even get my stop at the makeup counter. Eric is so genuinely pleased with my purchases, that I don’t feel awkward. I am truly feeling like a princess, when we finally head back to the apartment.
Through it all we receive random updates from Walker, and everything is as calm as can be under the circumstances. It’s the most relaxed I’ve ever seen Eric. But on the ride home, the mood is somber. Our little escape is over and we both know it’s time to get back to business.
Once we arrive at the apartment, Eric tips the doorman to bring our bags upstairs and then tugs me over to the security desk, and the very man we’d fought in front of earlier.
“What are you doing?” I whisper urgently.
“Jonathan,” Eric greets. “This is Harper. She lives here now. Treat her as such and not an intruder.”
I can feel my cheeks heating while Jonathan pales.
“I had no idea.” Jonathan said. “So sorry, miss. If you have your ID, I can get you registered properly.”
ID. Oh no. I turn to Eric. “My purse. My credit cards. I haven’t even thought about cancelling them. I have to go do that now.”
“We’ll get it handled.” He eyes Jonathan. “Make sure it’s not a problem.”
“Of course.” Eric gives me his back and leans in close to Jonathan and I have no idea what he says, but Jonathan has now paled to ghostly.
“Yes, Mr. Mitchell.”
Eric catches my hand and leads me to the elevator. “What did you say to him?”
“I made sure you’ll be treated like the princess you are,” he says and winks. “And Adam got your purse, and it will be here tomorrow. I forgot to tell you.”
I sigh in relief. “Oh good.”
We ride up in the elevator with his arm wrapped around me and once we’re at the front door he pulls me in front of him. “1021 is the code, but I change it once a week. Try it.”
My heart swells with how much he’s trying to make up for earlier. I punch in the code and try the door. Sure enough, it’s open. I rotate and wrap my arms around him. “Thank you.”
“I was alone, too. You know that, right?”
“I do. Not anymore though.”
“No,” he says with a curve to his lips. “Not anymore.”
Chapter one hundred ten
Isort through my purchases while Eric attends his conference call. I’m feeling a bit out of sorts, without a career, and eager to talk through my future. For now, I choose a sink and put away my toiletries. When I’m organized, I try on my clothes again to be sure they are all keepers, and just as I finish up, Eric appears in the closet door, his light brown hair rumpled, his jaw shadowed.
His eyes are warm as he says, “Take whatever part of the closet you want, Harper.”