Page 187 of Filthy Deal
“Yes, I’m sure. And as for my father denying my mother treatment, I know about it, yes, because she told Harper, and Harper told meaftermy father was already in the hospital.”
“She says one of the nurses from the hospital in Germany where the treatment was denied will confirm you went there, and you met with them.”
Irritation tics in my jaw. “I did. What else?”
“You did?”
“You want to know why,” I say, my finger steepling in front of me, elbows on the arms of the chair.
“Yes, I need to know why. I’m part of your defense.”
That tic in my jaw intensifies. “It was years later, after I turned eighteen. I battled with why my mother killed herself. Some part of me needed to hear she probably would have died anyway. Andyou know what? If her mother wants to come at me. Let her come. I didn’t put him in the hospital. What else, Blake?” I press, sensing there’s more.
“Your father met with the new head of the mob a few weeks ago, and Harper’s mother was with him. Does that mean that she’s involved in all of this? No, but I don’t see how she’s blind as a bat either. You have to see where that leads.”
“Speak frankly, Blake. I enjoy a puzzle, but I have a meeting to attend. Where are you going with this?”
“Did not know about the mob. She’s not involved. And you’re about to piss me the fuck off.”
“Her mother is all she has,” he counters, still pushing. “How far would she go to protect her?”
He’s doing his job, which, unfortunately, would make me punching him inappropriate. But then, Isaac has a way of making me want to punch someone I never get to fucking punch. I change the subject. “What about the birth certificates?”
“We found Isaac’s and it looks fine, but I did some digging. There was an amendment to it filed several years back and I can’t get to the original. All versions were destroyed. The other birth certificate is a man named Ryan Kensey. Does he sound familiar to you?”
“Not at all. I need an address. I want to go see him. Now. Tonight. I’ll charter a plane.”
“Impossible. He died a few years ago. We’re looking for a connection between him and the family. More soon.”
“How did he die?”
“A car accident.”
Alarms go off in my head. “Find out the details on that accident. Compare them to the accident Isaac’s mother had years back.”
His inspection turns probing. “You think Isaac killed his mother and Kensey?”
“Look closer. Answer that question with facts.”
“All right then, back to Harper’s mother. I can’t hold her prisoner. That’s kidnapping. If she wants to use her phone, I have to let her use her phone.”
I pull out my cellphone and dial Grayson. “Is Harper standing there with you?”
“We’re taking a tour.”
“I need her. Now. Lobby conference room.”
“You got it. We’re right around the corner.” I disconnect and slide my phone into my pocket.
“What’s the plan here?” Blake asks.
There’s a knock on the door and Grayson opens it. “Now?”
“Now,” I say, and he backs up, allowing Harper to enter.
She appears, and I swear just seeing her, punches me with awareness no other woman has ever made me feel. It’s not like I didn’t just see her minutes ago. “What’s happening?” she asks and Blake steps around to allow her to join us at the table.