Page 108 of Naked Truth
Emma looks at me and shakes her head. I mouth “I know, baby,” and when she refocuses on the phone with renewed vigor,I know she’s going to go at him hard. The problem is that when she goes at him, she’s torturing herself. “How would you know?” she demands. “You shoved drugs down my throat and tied me up.”
Anger roars inside me, and I share a look with Savage that tells him what he wants to hear: do it. Do what it takes to hurt this bastard.
“Your word against mine,” York snaps.
“And you think that works for your customers?” Emma challenges. “She said I raped her, but I said she enjoyed it. And how will Monroe feel about that branding?”
“Who says I have to be involved? I have plenty of ammo, and it all exposes you as the freak of the Knight family, and all without my name ever being mentioned.”
“Bring it, York,” she says, no hesitation. “Do it. Do it and I’ll go to the police. I have recordings. I made a recording that night.”
“You were too drugged to record shit.”
“Is that right?” she challenges, looking at me.
“Yeah, sugar. I gave you the good stuff.”
And there it is. A foolish angry man talking too much. I wouldn’t have believed he’d be that stupid, but Emma knew. She knew, and she got him. “I’m going to hang up now,” she says, “and call Monroe myself.”
“We both know you aren’t doing that.”
“And just so you know,” she continues, as if he hasn’t spoken, “you made that an easy decision. You’re a fool when you’re angry. You always have been. I recorded this call, and I have not one but two witnesses. Say hello to Jax and Savage from Walker Security.”
“Hi, Yorky baby,” Savage says. “Do you have people paint your toenails at those parties?”
“Shut the fuck up,” York blasts through the phone. “What the hell have you done, Emma? You bitch, what the hell—”
I catch Emma’s hand, silently telling her that I’m here for her, not him. She hangs up and glances at Savage. “I don’t need you to ruin him, Savage, but keep the recording. I might need it.”
“This is going in my special asshole collection, with a starring role as the kinky clown who needs a nose job. Or he will, once I get my hands on him. I can’t believe he was that stupid.”
“I was weak with York,” Emma confesses. “He expected me to be weak now.”
I catch her waist and turn her to face me. “You trusted the man you were supposed to marry,” I say. “That’s not weak.”
“We could debate that, but instead,” she says, “I’m going inside to call my brother and tell him everything. And then I’m going to call Monroe. And then I’m going to drink some of that coffee your father loved, and do some of my work because York doesn’t get to take any more of this day or my life.” She presses her hand to my chest. “Or you. You were right. He doesn’t get to be our end.”
I cover her hand with mine. “Damn straight, baby. He doesn’t get to be the end of us.”
She pushes to her toes, kisses me and says, “Thank you, Jax North,” before she walks to the door and adds, “and you, too, Savage.” With that, she enters the house.
My lips curve, and this time, my smile is about pride. Emma deserves that and a hell of a lot of respect for what she just did. Even Savage smiles. “She’s a keeper, man,” he says. “What do you want me to do?”
“Make sure we have him by the balls ten different ways and then we’ll talk.”
“That goes unsaid,” he replies. “And if given the right opportunity, rest assured, I’d chop his off and deliver them to you to feed to the fish.”
“I have a feeling there’s a long list of people who’d like to see that happen,” I say. “I think it’s safe to assume the list of peopleEmma’s father was investigating all have sex scandals that York created for him.”
“And that you can now relieve them of,” Savage says. “I’ll connect some dots and confirm. We have this place secured. You two staying here?”
“Yeah. We need to be here, away from the castle.”
Savage gives me a mock salute and heads down the stairs, while I head inside to help Emma end this once and for all. Or at least the part that can end right now. I’m not done with York, and unfortunately, Emma isn’t either. He’ll be in her nightmares, but she won’t live them alone. I’m here to stay.
Chapter seventy-three